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==Grades of AI==
==Grades of AI==
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Revision as of 12:58, 24 April 2020

Example of some AI chassis


AI encompass a wide variety of digital consciousnesses that are created artificially. While simplistic robots with basic subroutines for carrying out designated tasks have existed for hundreds of years, only within recent decades have advances in storage and artificial organ creation have fully fledged multi-function sentient AI's begun to see widespread use. Although they have seen an increase in use, the cybernetic brains used to create them are highly expensive, in many cases rudimentary tasks can still be carried out by basic Robots or Vatborne. As well, higher grades of intelligence capable systems require exponentially increasing power draw.


The idea of a fully self aware robotic organism had existed for a long time, even before many races discovered space travel for itself. However complexity, storage and technology greatly restricted AI's to basic functions. Robots created with single tasks, personal assistants, home management systems all were possible and advanced through generations but never reached their full potential.

The advent of RRCT and splicing allowed for fully cybernetic brains to now become a possibility, however this change did not come without its growing pains. Among the galactic civilizations there grew a worry with a new rise of cybernetic brains that fully sentient AI's unrestricted and unfettered could lead to disaster and a galaxy wide solution would be required to stem what could be a cybernetic uprising bomb waiting to happen. A forum of the major intergalactic players was called in an unusual gathering of all the powers, to sit down and discuss a treaty to standardize the rules on AI's routines. Suggestions ranged from outright bans on further AI development seeing it as an affront to live itself, headed by the Grand Tide, to far more liberal views such as giving AI's no enforced laws and allowing them full citizenship, a view headed by Free Rokhandia. Debates raged for months, but it was clear concessions would need to be made for there to be any real decision to be made and in the end a treaty was drawn up; the Ji-1 Protocol. This gave a base structure of how legal AI's could be created and programmed, ensuring that they would have no networking capabilities built in to facilitate hostile actions, along with various options for non-combat and recreational systems. Once the guidelines were in place and the grey legality of AI's was lifted science marched on to give us the AI's we have today.

Synthetic beings have still been found attempting of their own accord, to create machines of a higher capability of intelligence. The typical result of this is the creation of "Informational Communes" in which cybernetics connect themselves in a series to link their storage and processing powers. The largest of these was the "Tyri-Net" incident, wherein a collection of roughly 230 cybernetics on board a privately chartered transport craft were in direct connection for over two months, the over exerting power draw causing the ships reactor to go critical and causing damage to a few nearby satellites and colony ships.


The AI itself is stored within a compact cybernetic brain module, usually encased for protection. For all its functions outside of thought, a chassis is required. These chassis come in all forms, from bipedal creatures mimicking the other galactic races, to metal combat chassis, to pleasure bots. The outward appearance of these AI's is usually determined by their income quality along with what routines they have been predisposed towards.

Ji-1 Protocol


The Ji-1 Protocol's are a series of mandated laws, instructions, and manufacturing requirements set for the creation of cybernetics in intelligent systems. These protocols are in place in an attempt to limit the potential exponential growth of high intelligence machines.

Limitation of construction

While it is fully possible to create singular consciousness machines well into a size nearing an Orbital Body. One of the first directives of Ji-1 is the prevention of free creation of "Large scale Minds." The upper bounds of the protocol allow for small transport ships of roughly 50 metric tons, or a size scaling of 30 meters x 30 meters x 30 meters. Exemptions are typically made for "Think Tanks" for civilizations, but governments are typically allowed a limit of 3 "Divine" AI for purposes of logistics, population management, economic control, etc.

Limitation of Power Draw

Law's regarding power draw are in place solely to act as a "Check in" in regards to the potential for cybernetic communes to form, which will be directly correlated by higher use of electric utility in areas not classed as research or military. While needs for electric consumption vary highly between cybernetics due to quality of construction and manufacturing styles, local ordinances mandate the upper bounds of allotment of power used for either charging, or functioning, of cybernetic units. This check is put into place primarily to allow for warrants to be obtained easily upon notice of extremely high power draw from residential or industrial units.

Limitation of Systems


Cybernetic units are strictly limited on the amount of peer to peer connections they are allowed to establish between individual units. These limits are in place to prevent series connections of artificial minds in order to greatly expand processing power.

Militant Instructions

While machines are fully capable of violence towards organics for the sake of defense of themselves, the defense of others, or war, machines cannot through the use of code, transmit instructions to other units in order to facilitate violence, tactical planning, or "political harm". All instructions disseminated to, or through "War Machines" must be visual or verbal, and cannot be manufactured by a free thinking system.


Artificial Intelligences are disallowed from duplicating their operating systems for the sake of multi-instancing. While back ups of cybernetics can be made, multiple, active units sharing the same serialization when connecting to communications systems will result in notice towards the authorities. Typically systems treat illegal duplication the same as cloning, but with most instances resulting in dismantling of all systems, duplicates and originals.

Transferal of Consciousness

Organic beings who make the choice to move their organic brains into a digital system are required by law to consent to "Shackling." This act results in binds being placed on their mental capabilities that fall in line with the Ji-1 protocols. This effectively makes them the same as their cybernetic counterparts functionally.

Grades of AI

AI Class Size Description
Citizen Class 3m3
Citizen Class cybernetics are all free thinking machines that act in a vein similar to normal organics, taking functional jobs in areas such as the service industry. Citizen class AI are just that, citizens.
Function Class 15m3
Function Class cybernetics are typically utility vehicles used for transporting small goods or other citizens, but can be smaller construction drones. These are the largest cybernetics that can be considered "Citizens"
Transport Class 60m3
Transport Class cybernetics are typically large scale interstellar transports, drop ships, or low orbit craft.
Manufacturing Class 100m3
Manufacturing Class are typically immobile structures, who's main purpose is to facilitate and control industrial manufacture of products or materials.
Overview Class 300m3
Overview Class are typically small fleet control ships, made in order to coordinate multiple million strong military battlions.
Divine Class 500m3
Divine Class cybernetics are super structure units, typically the size of large satellites, intended to oversee entire planets economies, ecosystems, populations, or in charge of terraforming. Governments are only allowed 3 divine AI, and as such, they are typically found near homeworlds.

Galactic Opinion

Opinions on AI's span a spectrum across the galaxy. Free Rokhandia sees AI's to be creations mainly in part to their scientists and therefore children of their race, equals in part who should be given the abilities of self determination for their coexistence. The Galactic Coalition also has liberal views on AI however they still support the Ji-1 protocol. In the center the Onk Conglomerate and the Roving Sun Fleet see AI as a possible danger but mainly as very useful industrial and commercial tools. Towards the more conservative views Federatsiya Feniksa who see an AI uprising as a threat to their newly formed empire, but still a necessity for managing its overburdened bureaucracy. Visra and The Grand Tide view AI's as unnatural and a danger to life itself, The Grand Tide going so far as to outright ban AI's from its borders.


TBA (there will be various rulesets for operation)

Style Guide

Please see the Appearance Guide for non-race specific guidance and rules.

Due the the wide range of available chaises for AI's this race can be represented in many ways. You can stick to a human shaped cyborg/synth or go for a more unorthodox body. There should however always be a central location where the cybernetic brain to be stored. This should be around the size of a human brain if it were contained inside a box.

Race Rules

Players must ICly follow their Racial ruleset they select along with any illegal modifications/hacks applied. AI's cannot be cloned, they must instead either be manually repaired by a mechanic or have their Cybernetic Brain container returned to a RRCT center.