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The Miranmir System, informally abbreviated as Mir or Marie as an affectionate term is a system near the border of White Belt territory. By the time of the founding of the demilitarized zone, it had only seen slight investment from the Coalition. While they acknowledged that Onia itself was valuable thanks to the amount of W-1 on the planet, the rest of the celestial bodies in Miranmir were much less important. Out of the five planets in orbit around Miranmir's twin suns, only Onia is habitable. The rest vary, from the boiling hellscape of Tharon to the freezing, rocky hills of Arabas. There are some small mining operations in Miranmir, but save for the colonies on Onia, the system is not heavily developed; it is a footnote to the rest of the galaxy.
Miranmir is a binary system and thus houses two stars that orbit around their common barycenter. Miranmir's main star, Carthon A, is an A-type main sequence star, and has a faint white dwarf companion star of spectral type DA2, termed Carthon B. The distance between the two varies as they orbit every fifty years.
Planets and Major Celestial Bodies
As the closest planet to the system's twin suns, Tharon is a small world that is just slightly larger than Venus. It is the smallest planet in the Miranmir system and is utterly inhospitable. While home to an incredibly small research base founded by a joint contract between the White Belt and Rokhandan Directorate, it has no actual development of any kind. Its jagged, rocky surface is broken up by constant lava flows from the planet's highly active volcanoes, and temperatures regularly rise far above 400 °C. The danger posed to the construction and establishment of structures on its surface warded off any kind of investors long ago. Officially, it has a population of less than fifty individuals, and all of them are research staff from the Directorate.
Tharon's Belt
Beyond Tharon lies a moderately populated asteroid belt that serves to separate the inner system from the outer system. Many of the asteroids give off an unexplainable golden yellow hue; often granting it the nickname of Tharon's Ring. It is theorized by scientists that at some point in the system's history, Tharon had a moon. This moon was of similar composition to its host planet, but was struck and shattered by an extrasolar object of extreme size. Thus, the debris field became Tharon's Belt.
Located within Carthon's habitable zone, Onia is a garden world that was thick with forests and alien fauna; it has higher oxygen levels than Earth, which contributed to a booming population of arthropods and other insects. When it was discovered by Coalition explorers, probes showed an abundance of W-1 underneath the surface. But given Onia's distance from the core worlds and its position on the frontier of human space, development was slow. The Coalition invested heavily in attracting colonists, leading to the founding of Dusklight Colony in 2749. Unfortunately, the Succession War and the subsequent establishment of the demilitarized zone has left Onia in the possession of the White Belt, and now investment in the planet has slowed heavily. This has left the handful of colonies on the planet's surface struggling to make ends meet, and they are forced to recover from a recent earthquake without much help from the White Belt beyond the standard supply ship.
Dione is a medium sized gas giant which Onia orbits around. It affects tidal motions and on occasion a ‘long night’ will occur where Onia is completely covered by Dione’s shadow for several days. Despite its continual presence in the sky of Onia it is a relative footnote in its history, as it is almost entirely uninhabited. Only a small refueling platform and ship repair yard are located floating above Dione's surface in low orbit, known locally as The Gearshaft; this facility helps refuel the automated supply shuttles that deliver goods to Onia's colonists, or repair them if necessary, but is staffed by less than twenty individuals.
Onia Cargo Platform
Locked in orbit above Dusklight Colony is an expansive metal landing platform known as the Onia Cargo Platform, or officially as Platform #4672. Its sole purpose is to offload the large cargo vessels that enter Onia space and allow its automatic shuttles to carry supplies between the platform and Dusklight Colony's landing pad. The Platform is notoriously in a state of mild disrepair due to a lack of funding and new parts. It has a population of less than twenty engineers who are there to keep it afloat and help ensure everything is running smoothly. By the time most cargo finally makes it down to Dusklight Colony, the supply ship has already left.
A fractured world, Corium is, for all intents and purposes, a dead planet. Much like Tharon, scientists theorize that Corium was struck by an extrasolar entity at some point, which tore a chunk out of the planet's crust; this massive crater gives the impression of the planet being dented from space, and it appears Corium has lost almost one third of its mass. Researchers have found traces of organic plant life buried beneath the dust on Corium's surface, leading some to believe at one point it was a vibrant world like Onia before it suffered its disastrous fate. However, conspiracy theories abound among the frontier population that Corium was in fact planet-cracked by a precursor civilization hundreds of thousands of years ago. It is a favorite topic among certain alien-centric message boards, where conversations run the gamut from government conspiracy or alien interference.
Parthul is an ice giant located near the fringes of Miranmir space. It is known locally for the beautiful rings of clouds that are in its upper atmosphere. A wide variety of colors make up Parthul's clouds, but beyond its visuals it has nothing else to offer. Parthul has been untouched by both the Coalition, and now the White Belt. Scans dating back to the discovery of the Miranmir system indicate that the composition of chemicals that make up its atmosphere are incredibly similar to Neptune in the Sol system, and as such it has precious little research value. It is, however, regularly used in advertising for immigration aimed at new colonists, allowing the White Belt to give credence to their claims that the frontier is a 'beautiful, untouched paradise'. Both it, and Onia, have become synonymous with the Miranmir system.
Arabas is only just large enough to be considered an inferior planet; its mass is larger than Pluto, but smaller than mercury, letting it avoid the same fate that Pluto had when it lost its status as a planet. However, it doesn't have much going for it - as a frozen ice world, the composition of its crust is mainly stone, hydrogen, and water. It has no atmosphere to speak of, and its surface is pockmarked with deep valleys and craters indicating that at one point it was hit by some sort of meteor shower. Much like Parthul, Arabas has generated little interest from governments or corporations and merely acts as the official marker for the edge of Miranmir space.