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Sim Timeline

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Below is a consensus of sim events since 2021 (2821 in lore). It may not be all-inclusive, but it aims to cover major "world" events.


  • July 17th, 2821 - The Hand of Ymir, a Visran Missionary Order dispatched from Visra by the High Seraph, arrived on Onia with a sacred mission to spread their faith. Under the protection of the Federation, their presence left a profound yet divisive mark on the community, culminating in a controversial act where they publicly burned a declared heretic at the stake.
  • August 28th, 2821 - Jingashi Concordant Revolutionary Guard Commander, Marshall Diego Maidune, announced from the Supreme Commander’s palace that former Supreme Commander Corwin Quentin has been overthrown, found guilty of treason, and removed from office due to his failed leadership and corruption.

New Onia Militia Uprising (2821-2822)

  • October 30th, 2821 - A group calling themselves the New Onia Militia (NOM) begins a violent uprising against order in the system. Many citizens turn to aid them, as their violent uprising to "free" onia from the White Belt Administration gains traction. However, the organizers quickly prove quick to violence, and terrorism, causing many to turn against them.
  • November 29th, 2821 - In the most violent terror attack in colony history, a NOM-backed terror group detonates a dirty bomb in the undercity of Dusklight. Tens of thousands are killed and injured. The same day, the White Belt Administration formally declares a state of emergency on Onia.
  • January 8th, 2822 - WBA, Federalist, and Coalition forces join together to fight NOM-held positions across the colony. NOM retains a sizeable foothold in the frontier.
  • February 6th, 2822 to March 7th, 2822 - In the Second Battle of Miranmir, a rag tag group of converted civilian ships flying NOM's banner is devastated by a joint Federation and Coalition fleet.
  • March, 2822 - With their fleet destroyed, the remaining fighters for NOM are sent into hiding as law enforcement and WBA-backed forces hunt them down. The New Onia Militia ceases to be a major threat to the region.


  • April 21st, 2822 - House Ajnoria formally lodges protest to dispute the WBA's ownership of Onia. A treaty kicking the problem down the road is signed with the WBA.
  • May 8th, 2822 - The Hand of Ymir, a Visran-government backed political and religious organization, is expelled from Dusklight following the burning of their church. House Ajnoria claims the former church as its new home on Onia.
  • May 29th, 2822 - System Governor Amai Darkfold is forcibly removed by the White Belt Administration under charges of Treason following the NOM Conflict, later found to be fabricated. Acting Govenor Rameshkamar Kendall takes defacto control of the system.
  • July 3rd, 2822 - The WBA Administrative Tower in Dusklight is bombed in a terror attack, later revealed to be conducted by an organization known as the Findsmen. Multiple are killed in the blast and a execution is broadcasted on television by the terrorists. The WBA drastically tightens city security in response on July 9th.
  • August 8th, 2822 - A inter-corporate conflict between the Kyoshi Corporation and Ulysses Corporation leads to a brief armed confrontation on Onia's south pole. Fines are issued.
  • August 28th, 2022 - Law Enforcement contracts are awarded to Reeves Star Security and medical contracts are awarded to Kyoshi's Shock Trauma Armed Rescue Service. Both contracts are initially administered through STAG Industries.

Fall of the White Belt Administration (2823-2824)

  • June 2nd, 2823 - The White Belt Administration faces increasing instability after Federal negotiators abruptly walked out of funding talks, citing serious violations in the Coalition's Vigilance battlecruiser production program. Tensions escalate between the Coalition and Federation.
  • June 12th, 2823 - Dusklight celebrates the reopening of tunnel and transit services to the remote outpost of Sunset Fields, marking a significant milestone for regional development. The Frontier is open for the masses to venture and commute.
  • June 23rd, 2823 - WBA Executive Director Abigail Morrison announces major cuts to the White Fleet's outer belt patrols due to a funding deadlock with the Federation and Coalition. Both parties condemned the WBA's inaction, with military leaders leaving recent talks unresolved. The Galactic Market takes a hit as stocks begin to fall.
  • July 8th, 2823 - Executive Director Abigail Morrison abruptly departs Athen Station, leading to the breakdown of funding negotiations. The Coalition redeploys its 91st Fleet to the White Belt, while Federal forces have increased their presence near Anaxes. The Slats value plummets.
  • July 11th, 2823 - Violence erupts at WBA embassies and offices across The Orion Arm. Local law enforcement stormed sites in the Federation. Solar Legion troops clash with WBA security across the Coalition, and fires break out in various WBA offices on Visra. The WBA has revoked its recognition of House Ajnoria's claim to the Miranmir System. The Arch Duchess orders the destruction of WBA offices in Laddon and the imprisonment of its officials.
  • October 5th, 2823 - The White Belt Administration (WBA) is formally dissolved by interstellar powers. The Slat plummets further. Civil unrest and riots spread across The White Belt after all social services, including Universal Basic Income, were abruptly terminated. Coalition and Federation have frozen Slat trading. Abigail Morrison stages an armed uprising employing WBA-loyalists and with a sizeable chunk of the WBA's fleet.
  • October 24th, 2823 - The Coalition deploys its Outworld Legion (COL) to key locations in the White Belt, including The Miranmir System, and replaces contracted forces stationed on Onia. Summit Resources Group's (SRG) forces in the system are absorbed into the Legion through a Varangian Proclamation. Former WBA held systems declare their independence.
  • November 18th, 2823 - Governor Emmitt McCandless declares victory over Morrison aligned separatist forces in Fortress Icepick, Onia. McCandless announces his new role as System Governor to restore order in The Miranmir System and Onia.. Troops loyal to his administration begin seizing key government buildings without opposition. The Onia Provisional Government is established.
  • November 19th, 2823 - A notable distortion was picked up in the deep frontier on Onia from a intense power-source seemingly disengaging itself. The cause was unknown, and planetary analysts could not pinpoint the location, but the concern was disarmed as it showed something spooling down instead of up, and planetary security deemed it a 'positive, vigilant intervention'.
  • February 22nd, 2824 - Former WBA Director Abigail Morrison was killed by The Findsmen on Dione, leading to the group's dissolution-The Morrison Conflict comes to an end. The Findsmen disband shortly thereafter.

Federal Civil War & Galactic Instability (2824)

  • April 23rd, 2824 - Fourteen systems, mostly Federal Nobility states, have gone silent, sparking speculation about causes ranging from geomagnetic storms to internal conflict. Federation officials remain silent. Federation fleets mobilized.
  • May 29th, 2824 - Laddon, the Ajnorian capital, is under siege. Two sides have emerged in a growing federation civil conflict; royalists, intent on keeping the old Solar Nobility that made up much of the Federations member worlds, and Loyalists who seek to expand federal power and scope.
  • June 2nd, 2824 - Planetary analysts on Onia noticed a spike of a power system engaging itself for about 30 seconds in the deep frontier, before disappearing off scans. Theory and assumptions point towards the event on Nov. 19th, 2823, and believe to be it connected, or possibly the same object equipment that had previously was picked up spooling down. The location still has not been pin-pointed by survey teams.
  • June 08th, 2824 - The Ruz'Kahni Directorate confirms the sudden death of Fahikh Eris Qadir, leader since 2820. The Fahikh, only 34, passed away unexpectedly, sparking rumors of foul play. Clan infighting seeks to further Directorate isolationism.
  • August 24th, 2824 - Loyalist and Royalist fleets have both arrived over Onia, both seeking to establish themselves as the 'true' Federation forces. Conflict seems inevitable.
  • September 7th, 2824 - Around mid-day, various communication devices were reported to receive a handful of decrypted messages and coded statements from unknown individuals, though from what was reported, they were all aligned with a unknown group or faction. The enigma was partially decrypted, but the message packets that were held in the output buffer were wiped a day later by non-official intervention.
  • September 17th, 2824 - Loyalist and Royalist forces finally clash over Onia; with multiple starfighters destroyed. The new Onia Provisional Government struggles to defend the system.
  • September 18th, 2824 - Coalition Navy forces bomb a Ajnorian airbase on Onia, citing it as having launched the fighters responsible for attacks the day prior. Though both sides seem on edge, no further escalation occurs. The same day, widespread communications outages strike much of the Kyoshi-ran communications network, suspected to be Federation jamming.
  • October 1st, 2824 - Intense fighting takes place on Volkter Prime, the capital of the Federation. Royalist forces close on the capital.
  • October 12th, 2824 - In a new battle for Onia, Federalist and Loyalist forces finally clash. Royalist forces are ultimately successful, but it's a pyhrric victory; losing over 80% of the Royalist fleet in the process. Space debris strikes populated areas in Dusklight and Torchlight for the following weeks.
  • October 13th, 2824 - Loyalist forces, spearheaded by the loyalist House Vauxneyll, request a ceasefire; effectively ending the months of Federation infighting.
  • October 27th, 2824 - The Directorate chooses a new Fahkih, Amon Tarsi.
  • November - December, 2824 - Through survey teams, official and non, frontier townships, inter-planetary trading routes, dark spots have been reported in the deeper frontier, with and unknown group seemingly behind the locations. Rarely, reported outbursts of engagements in the dead of night between this unknown factor and another, before the sites are seemingly barren and empty upon inspection and recon by various entities.
  • November 13th, 2824 - The Directorate Scout Service branch on Onia announces discovery of a new disease, soon to be named the Onia Autoimmune Virus (OAV).
  • November 14th, 2824 - Reeves Star Security publicly accuses House Ajnoria of funding attacks against RSS and Coalition Outworld Legion employees. Ajnoria initially denies these accusations.
  • November 21st, 2824 - Castellan Eve Rouhani abruptly comes to a settlement with RSS, later revealed to involve paying a large fine. Rouhani is abruptly ousted from power less than 72 hours later.
  • November 25th, 2824 - Princess Eleanor Alalidyn Ajnoria arrives, assuming command of the Ajnorian detachment on the planet. Ajnoria is expelled from the city limits of Dusklight by Governor McCandless after negotiations break down.
  • December 18th, 2824 - A new pro-democracy movement makes movement around Dusklight, reportedly aiming to democratize the Onia Provisional Government. Critics claim this move is a Coalition-backed revolution aimed at making Onia a Coalition protectorate state. The results of this movement are yet to be seen.