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Species Info
Homeworld Mouse:Visra
Empires Mouse:The Holy See of Visra
Life Expectancy (Max) {{{Life Expectancy}}}
Average Size 5-7 Feet


Lumii are bipedal humanoids with a thick fur over most of their body, alongside feline features, and tails. They come in many varieties depending on the part of Visra they hailed from. Some bear spots and others stripes and colors can be found ranging from black to sandy tan. They have a preference for cold weather and grow uncomfortable in areas of sustained heat.


Most Lumii, largely due to the period they were uplifted from, generally carry an old world mentality that most cultures have now abandoned. If they are not outright religious they are often superstitious and prone to believing local legends. Partially due to this Lumii are often cautious and react quickly whenever situations turn south.

They are also known for their rather fickle and extreme nature. Harsh punishments are to be expected for slights but so are surprising shows of deep affection, sometimes within the same week. Over generations the Lumii have worked out ways of focusing their efforts so that they might enjoy the success that comes with concentrated effort. Most do this through devout belief and adherence to the tenets of The Holy See, yet others choose the simpler route of medication or meditation.


See Mouse:Visra for more information

Lumii are the most recent addition to the galactic neightborhood, only having 'reached' their interstellar age around 200 years ago with the help of humanity. This particular point is a spot of contention between the two races as their home planet of Visra had originally been discovered as part of a mining expedition by a Coalition corporation. The mining began before proper contact was made with the Lumii and caused great panic when it was discovered. As compensation the Coalition saw fit to elevate the species to the stars.

Since their ascendance to the galactic stage they have advanced far technologically but made little strides in terms of culture or law, still being seen as an uncivilized race by other empires. This came to a head when they decided to join the Federation during the Secession war, fighting alongside them as cunning tacticians and excellent spymasters.


See Mouse:The Holy See of Visra for more information

Lumiite culture is deeply rooted in the religious belief of the twin deities Ymir and Sarai, which emphasizes the path a Lumii must follow in order to find their role within society. As a result it places great importance on gender roles with men being warriors and leaders and women taking on family-centric roles. In addition to this many Lumii are known for having an overly strong sense of justice and honor, due in part to their origins as an Iron Age civilization only two centuries ago.

OOC Info

Appearance Guide

Please see the Appearance Guide for non-race specific guidance and rules.

The Lumii should be using a feline head such as the Paws Feline, or another style of head that fits a feline appearance (such as the SKNK Skunk head). They should sport cat ears along with a tail. Fur colors include natural cat fur tones such as brown, black, whites as well as hues of blues similar to that of the Russian blue. Also allowed are more exotic patterns such as leopard or cheetah patterns however these would be considered rare occurrences by Lumii standard. This also applies to unnatural colors such as reds, purples ect. that while not impossible they would be very rare, or they may be dyed to this color.