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Rokhandan Directorate

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The emblem of Free Rokhandia


Free Rokhandia is a galactic empire, home to the Rokhandan race. It is Ruled by a Council elected by the largest science conglomarates in the empire. It is technologically advanced, beyond current human capabilities in its harnessing of W-1 fuel, weapons and research of the Rifts, although due to its focus on technology and its home systems, the empires reach does not span nearly as far as the Galactic Collation or the Federation. Through the ruling of the scholars Rokhandia had become culturally stagnant until generations ago contact with humans kickstarted a fresh influx of culture from the outside world

Galactic History

The large savanna's and wide open mesas of Fen lead to few natural predators for the Fen during evolution, however those that they did have were smart, they needed to be smarter. Quickly grasping new technology was no problem for them, and a culture of pride in forward thinking accomplishments would eventually lead to large think tank corporations and science divisions dominating much of the major colonies.

Free Rokhandia was the first empire to come into contact with the Human Galactic Coalition, both empires having never met alien civilizations before. Through quick development of universal translators which would become a galactic standard communications with the Humans was established officially and the age of alien interaction for both had begun.


Rokhandans make up the majority of the Free Rokhandian populace however large amounts of human immigrants have taken up residence over the generations. Free Rokhandia's open immigration policy and high standards of living, along with technological advancements have made it an attractive destination. Upon opening itself to humans the Rokhandan government found its populace which had grown stagnant to experience a cultural and population boom, everything from sushi to blue jeans to movies were imported from the Humans and the culture was accepted with open arms.


Free Rokhandia is ruled by an elected ruling class of scientists and bureaucrats. Elected through voting done through many umbrella think tanks and companies they guide the course of the empires overall approach to internal and external issues.

During the Succession War they choose to attempt to remain neutral both wanting to avoid conflict and not wanting to make the situation in its largest trading partner worse by potentially choosing the "wrong" side. However when the FFS-Fialetivyy true purpose was shown and the resulting disaster that ensued it was clear to the council which side they wanted to stand by, and it wasn't the federations. Now the Coalition stands as its largest trading partner, important cultural goods and some resources, whilst exporting consumer electronics.