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Shock Trauma Armed Rescue Service

From New Frontiers Wiki
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Shock Trauma Armed Rescue Service
Faction Leader Chamali Heijyre (Obamaprism.uwu)
Senior Staff 2IC Chief Medical Officer Lydia Hayden (dovenyra)

3IC Chief Engineer Zoe Komarov (Sierra Komarov)

4IC Office Manager VACANT

Alignment Lawful Evil
Type Private Medical Rescue Service
Headquarters STAG Tower


Founded as the rescue service for Kyoshi Laboratories - the research and development megacorporation - after noticing a lack of adequate healthcare and security on its mining colonies, STARS, short for Shock Trauma Armed Rescue Service, is a multifaceted tactical and technical rescue company providing advanced medical care no matter how hostile the environment. Originally founded exclusively for corporate operations, the company has since expanded to operate in civilian centers where law enforcement and medical care are either non-existent, overstretched, or underfunded/understaffed.

The crux of the service offered is emergency medical evacuation, but do not let this fool the observer into seeing the company as altruistic. The company operates on a ruthless basis of payment for services. Those seeking charity care should not utilize STARS. The program was designed for, and remains largely utilized by, society’s elite and wealthy. For those who can afford it, though, there is no better service when one’s life is on the line. STARS teams are known to head to incidents in numbers, and while not actively seeking out fights - they have no desire to be ‘company police’ - they aren’t afraid to engage any threats to their patients, either. Particularly out here in the belt, where things like “duty to act” laws aren’t on the books, STARS paramedics are known to prioritize the client over all other injured in an emergency.

The company has been operating in Dusklight for several months now, with local operations being franchised out as a subsidiary of Stag Industries, though Kyoshi remains involved behind the scenes.


STARS blurs the line between “do no harm” and “do know harm”, so much so that the latter is its official motto of the company. STARS paramedics are known to arrive in force to any incident utilizing the company's one of a kind medical dropships. The goal is patient extrication, however, not suspect apprehension.

STARS is known to always give combatants the chance to exit the fight before engaging. They are not known to fire first, as the best case outcome for STARS financially is the assailants simply leave the patient upon seeing STARS arrive in force. Power projection is the name of the game.

While officially neutral to this regard, rumors persist that STARS operatives are infrequently used by other corporations as hired muscle, including in “union busting” efforts. STARS management will obviously vehemently deny such claims, but the rumors persist in many of Onia’s more left leaning organizations that STARS is little more than modern day medical Pinkerton’s.

Faction Relations

While officially a franchised subsidiary of Stag industries, STARS is given unique and specific leeway in its business dealings. It is not expected to directly engage in Stag’s corporate conflicts, and is free to make its own business deals that at least appear to keep the organizations neutrality, including with members of Triton and Osiris. Tentatively, the groups seem to at least tolerate each other; STARS is seemingly a necessary evil at the moment, as no other organized group exists to provide prehospital care, but if this peace will remain is yet to be seen, particularly as STARS is pulled into Stag’s brand and brand reputation. STARS remains on friendly terms with more “corporate leaning” factions; including having a written agreement with Summit Resource Group and working relatively closely with Reeves Star Security, even if the group's interests sometimes conflict.