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Summit Resource Group

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Out of the ashes of the Secession War, Summit Resource Group was founded. Lead by former Solar Legionnaire, it called to its eagle sigil some of the thousands of soldiers and sailors who'd been trapped by the Shattering. As the FTL routes started to be repaired, Summit Resource Group rapidly became the Coalition's go to choice for operations within restricted space, holding over two-hundred and twenty nine separate operations contracts with various ISTO bodies by 2820. Their most recent venture has been to the Miranmir System, tasked with looking after the Coalition & Directorates interests in the system. A twelve strong flotilla was dispatched in 2821 to reinforce the already present diplomatic security force. The reasons for such a substantial deployment are multiple. Artifacts, Federal Guard activity, desire to maintain the status quo. All of these will form part of SRG's mission out on the edge. Needless to say, if history has shown us anything, such a large group of the Coalitions finest corporate soldiers and sailors will cause reverberations that could be felt all the way back in the core.

— R. K. Kliens , Janes Interstellar, Issue 2821-7

Summit Resource Group
Summit Resource Group
Faction Leader Solomon Kore (Huttser Ishelwood)
Senior Staff Zane St.Claire, Deputy Commander (Sol Krovac)

Fitz McTavish, Deputy Commander (Grimm Hexem)

Alignment Lawful Neutral
Type Coalition Backed Private Military Group
Headquarters Restricted Military Instaliation, Starport


Summit Resource Group or SRG has unmatched first-hand experience in operating in the most austere environments in the galaxy. Seamlessly integrating security, logistics, insurance, intelligence and both physical and digital infrastructure for a customized solution, it works with its clients to overcome complex and unique challenges to defend the Coalition and her allies.

In the Miranmir System, they operate out of three main locations. The Galactic Coalition Consulate in Dusklight, a major base out in the Frontier and their flotilla of starships in high orbit.

The group has two primary contracts. The first and it's main responsibility, often referred to as "the mission" is with the Galactic Coalition. It tasks them with two delicate missions. One, of securing precursor artifacts within WBA jurisdiction, more specifically, Miranmir, preventing the transfer of these dangerous, yet-to-be understood items into the hands of anyone other then the Coalition. Two, the degradation of the Federation's influence and operations in Miranmir, all whilst operating within the confines of the White Belt Accords.

SRG is also holds a second contract, from the White Belt Administration to secure Dusklights critical infrastructure, starport and orbital space. SRG operators perform rapid response and counter assault duties in response to threats to any of these locations, with law enforcement duties and follow up left to RSS.

The men and women of SRG operate under one very simple rule. Do nothing to endanger the mission, all else is discretionary. It is this mindset that sets them apart from their more law enforcement minded colleagues. If something threatens the interests or citizens of the Galactic Coalition, or wider interstellar security, they will intervene by any means necessary.

Who does SRG look for?

Summit Resource Group looks for individuals from a wide array of backgrounds. Scientists, medics, novices, and seasoned operators alike. Whilst former military experience is a bonus, it is by no means required. SRG provides training and equipment as needed. Courage, passion, initiative, and decisiveness are the ideal qualities the the group looks for as their staff are often be expected to operate alone or in small teams to execute operations in austere environments with little support.


Summit Resource Group. It is an ethos and an employer at the same time. It intends to embody the key founding values of the Galactic Coalition; Loyalty, Freedom, Diversity, and Security. The same values that safeguard the citizens of the Galactic Coalition help them succeed in the darkest and harshest corners of space.

Organizational Structure

SRG is formed of the command group, four distinct Directorates, and three support units. Directorates are joint formations that handle tasks that require cross cutting support from all SRG elements, SRG personnel will likely find themselves permanently assigned to one Directorate or another. Support Units have very specific mission roles which are typically extra roles, ontop of other responsibilities.

Role Type Officers Responsible Current Holders Duties
Command Group Directorate Commander, SRG CMDR S. Kore

(Huttser Ishelwood)

Consisting of all the senior officers in system, it is this collection of staff that advises the Commander and charts the strategic direction of SRG
Consulate Staff Support Unit Consulate Chief-of-Staff CoS Garl Waru


Staff working for the current Coalition military representatives on planet, handling a variety of duties, such as Liason officers, Consular Officers, Private Secretaries, Internal Security etc
Operations Directorate Operations Director DIR Phillip Aubin

(Phillip Aubin)

Oversees all ground activities of SRG, including offensive operations, atmospheric air support, engineering, security deployments and support task forces.
Research Directorate Research Director DIR Smiley Dyrssen

(Smiley Dyrssen)

The Research Directorate covers the full range of possible disciplines, with a focus on artifact. psionics and precursor studies
Fleet Directorate Fleet Director & Ship Commanders DIR Tahikida Arcamenel


Responsible for ensuring the maintainance and delivery of fleet support to SRG's operations in the Miranmir system.
Medical Directorate Chief Medical Officer/Medical Director -Vacant- Ensuring the health of the entire group is kept to the highest level. The Medical Directorate co-ordinates the work of SRGs doctors, combat medics and researchers when it comes to force health.
Supply Staff Support Unit Quartermaster QM Rikard T'Katan

(Grimm Hexem)

Supply Staff equip SRG's forces, and maintain a high stock level of all consumables the force could ever need to call on.
Special Mission Unit Support Unit Special Mission Co-ordinator SO Eldrinn M'Carda


An ad-hoc mission team assembled for tasks, at the direction of Commander SRG, that require exceptional levels of discretion.



The Commander is SRGs head planetside. Responsible for the direction of SRG operations system wide.

Deputy Commander

The Deputy Commander manages those stationed upon vessels or bases run and managed by the SRG. They often head up recruitment campaigns as well as manage HR operations.


Directors may oversee planetary-wide operations and form part of the command group alongside the Commander and Deputy Commander. They will also hold responsibility for one of the four directorates.

Staff Officers

Staff Officers oversee the day to day running of SRG. This allows the rest of the command group to focus on long term planning and operational delivery. During operations they will often lead teams of Operators under a Director, Deputy Commander or Commander.


The Veteran role is held by those who have a specific duty or who have served SRG with distinction. They most often have access to higher access material that relates to their field. They may also regularly train new members of the SRG in field skills or personally head up missions.


Operators, Staff and Researchers all fall into this category. They are employees that have been cleared to act on behalf of the organization in fulfilment of the mission. They are held to a high standard of conduct which will be delivered and drilled into them through their service and training.

SRG propaganda.png