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United Republic of Ayun-Ji

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Poliesu Lore Pages
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Planet and System Pages Ayun-Ji
Governments and Organizations Pages United Republic of Ayun-Ji · The Grand Tide
The emblem of the former Grand Tide.


At the end of the fourth year of conflict in the Secession War, the former Grand Tide sued for peace following the explosion of the GTNV Wau-Shui over Ayun-Ji's capitol, Atol-Jul which caused a total destruction of the city's infrastructure and decimated its population. With most of its former political leaders killed in the explosion, what remained of the Grand Tide met with the Galactic Coalition and agreed to become a protectorate. Following the end of the war, the Federatsiya Feniksa agreed to relinquish any claims on Ayun-Ji and surrendered its status over to the Coalition, which sparked uprisings and riots on Ayun-Ji as the planet went under occupation and subjugation by the Coalition and its Vatborne legions. As the need for order and stability became increasingly apparent, the Primarch of the House of Shiksen, the more dominant Poliesian house throughout and even following the Secession War, called together their fellow Primarchs and established plans to form a new government. The Nymara and the Bojun, the former of which were natural enemies of the Shiksen, refused to participate in this new establishment and immediately left both the planet and the system to form a resurgent Grand Tide. The remaining three houses formed into the United Republic of Ayun-Ji.


Capitol: Atol-Jul, Ayun-Ji

Leader: A council comprised of the remaining heads of the Houses of Shiksen, Kelkirik, and the Umbra, referred to as the Ayun-Ji Collective

Denomination: Tider (War), Ayunan (Post-War)

Official Language(s): Poliesian

Population: 5.7 Billion (aprox.)

Much of the Poliesian identity was broken down following the conclusion of hostilities, as the Galactic Coalition established Ayun-Ji and its scarcely-remaining colonies as a protectorate. Under its guidance, the Poliesians established a new government as an oligarchic republic, comprised of the three remaining dominant households that did not splinter away following Ayun-Ji's occupation. This new government renamed itself the United Republic of Ayun-Ji and assumed control and leadership over the homeworld following brutal crackdowns and suppression by the Galactic Coalition and its Vatborne legions. Ayun-Ji, however, remained a protectorate with limited independence from the Coalition.


The majority of post-War Ayunans remain Poliesu, though they have also included aquatic-based Vatborne as part of their demographics.


All major houses contributed equally to the war effort with exception to the Shiksen, who contributed even more due to its sheer size and capability for manpower, but following accords agreed upon with the Coalition the United Republic of Ayun-Ji had to reduce its mobilized forces so that all three remaining houses were on par with one another. This drastically reduced the Poliesu's military capability, which was not a popular decision on the homeworld as they were repurposed to a sort of home guard deployed only to protect the system of Jingashi. Mercenaries who continued to serve the Federation following the Grand Tide's exit from the war were officially dissolved, many of whom spread out across the White Belt to establish themselves as independent contractors. The current Republic Navy is a severely downsized force compared to its height during the Secession War but the Poliesu were permitted to keep the majority of their remaining capital-class vessels, granted they were deployed only in times of critical need.


The United Republic of Ayun-Ji, abbreviated as the URP (with the last abbreviation representing Poliesu rather than Ayun-Ji), was established as an oligarchic republic, ruled by the heads of the three remaining households - the Shiksen, Kelkirik, and the Umbra. On the galactic stage, though the Republic was meager in power and influence compared to their contemporaries, they had quickly resolved to mend their diplomatic relations with all but the Rokhandans, with whom many, if not all, Poliesu share a mutual distrust and revulsion towards due to the atrocities committed (and summarily denied, as perceived by the Poliesu) by the Directorate.