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Onia is home to an entire ecosystem of animals both strange and familiar. Between terraforming efforts and the original state of the planet creatures grow quite differently than they would on a place like Earth. The following is a list of some of these creatures. It is not exhaustive but rather a sampler of what you might find planetside.
Onia is home to an entire ecosystem of animals both strange and familiar. Between terraforming efforts and the original state of the planet creatures grow quite differently than they would on a place like Earth. The following is a list of some of these creatures. It is not exhaustive but rather a sampler of what you might find planetside.

Latest revision as of 18:09, 6 October 2020

Onia is home to an entire ecosystem of animals both strange and familiar. Between terraforming efforts and the original state of the planet creatures grow quite differently than they would on a place like Earth. The following is a list of some of these creatures. It is not exhaustive but rather a sampler of what you might find planetside.


Onia has, since even before its colonization, had a large population of Invertebrates such as insects, slugs, worms, and cephalopods. During the terraforming of Onia it was noted that the above-average oxygen content and natural resources present on the planet might result in the insects growing to massive sizes. This was considered a reasonable risk and was ignored too long to ever properly be dealt with.

By 2820 the problem has become large enough that Dusklight is forced to establish a border of “thumpers”, large machines that created vibrations in the ground to ward off the larger forms of invertebrates. Within these borders these creatures are a rare sight, but quite common even half a mile beyond the edge.


Large, brightly colored flying insects around the size of a large housecat with large ridged stingers and powerful mandibles. They are one of the more well known dangers on the planet and commonly those who live outside the border of Dusklight will find family pets taken by hungry wasps. Razorwasps territory can often be identified by looking for trees with the bark chewed away, as the insects will use the wood in conjunction with their saliva to help form their large nests.


Corpseflies are a mutation of one of Onia's native species brought on by the Coalition's terraforming operations. They are bloated, grotesque flying insects that seek out dead animals (or colonists) to lay their larvae in. Corpsefly maggots live in these decaying bodies and feed on the rotting flesh until they are large enough to survive on their own and begin constructing their pupa. It is not uncommon for bodies to be hollowed out by the aggressive appetite of corpseflies only to burst like a wet balloon when they emerge from their pupae as a fully grown fly. They tend to be around the size of a small dog


Slatters are, unlike most of the rest of this list, an entire category of creatures. The term generally refers to a crustacean that roughly takes the appearance of a common woodlice. Though the size and proportions of the creature may vary greatly between individual species, the smallest being hardly larger than a grain of rice and the largest being near the size of trucks. They mostly feed on rotting plant matter though some look species do take up more parasitic roles. Ember Flies

A species of nocturnal beetle that inhabits the denser temperate forests of Onia. Ember flies are similar to the fireflies of Earth, only with the distinct difference of a defense mechanism that allows them to ignite its magnesium-based bioluminescent thorax to a degree that causes brief night blindness in a similar manner to a flashbang grenade. They grow to around the size of a guinea pig

Pit Weavers

This species of massive arachnid is known primarily for creating elaborate traps to capture its prey. They are known to burrow into the ground and create a subterranean web that they will then cover with a “trap door” of debris from the forest floor. They will wait in this trap until an unsuspecting meal comes by and either attack them when they come near or allow them to simply fall into the trap and become ensnared by the sticky web just beneath.They start at the size of your average dog and can grow as large as brown bears.


Menkvi are multicolored almost pearlescent beetles and are said to be near immortal. They carry incredible regenerative capabilities and it is said if you cut off the limb of one you can attach it to the body of another. Its fluids are often used as part of medicines to help speed the healing of wounds. Menkvi do not grow nearly as large as the other invertebrates, averaging around the size of a rat.They happen to be one of the harder insects to find due to their preferred habitat within deep caves.


As colonists began to move to Onia they brought along with them animals that could serve as sources of food or just simple pets. As time went on and pets escaped they would rather rapidly breed out in the wild and adapt to the local environment of Onia. Most either becoming more virile and capable of repopulating quickly or by developing certain mutations that made survival easier. In a few cases scientists and corporations would aid this by dumping large populations of modified vertebrates onto the planet to study their survival rates.

White-Tail Deer

One of the first truly modified creatures to ever be taken to Onia. These deer are nearly indistinguishable from their earth-dwelling counterparts. The only notable difference seems to be the rate at which they breed and mature. The Onian White Tail being capable of withstanding predatory attacks through repopulation alone.

Butcher Boar

Boars and pigs were dropped off shortly after the deer, likely also with genetic modifications to allow them to survive better on the planet. But in place of simple fertility treatments the boars were mixed with rat DNA to provide them with tusks and teeth that were mixed with iron, to strengthen them enough to break through insect carapace, leading to a notable yellow-red tinge to their tusks which would be reflected with the name “Butcher Boars”.

The resulting meat is a little higher in iron and has a light tortilla scent beyond the usual smell of pork but is excellent when brushed with moonshine and barbequed. The tusks also make for excellent hand-to-hand weapons in a pinch.


Even in the year 2820 with all the scientific advances of the modern age not all is openly known. Myths still exist and rumors of strange creatures out in the woods flourish out on worlds like Onia. Some might just be ramblings of the local kook, but some may have a hint of truth to them.


Also known as Strigoi, Vampires, or a number of other names depending on the speaker. Every culture has its legends of those who eat the flesh of others in desperation or for power. Onia is no exception.

When support was pulled from the planet many settlements lost the supply networks they had relied upon and many faced harsh times. It was here that the rumors of Wendigos began to surface. Settlements lost to famine, families found slaughtered in their homes and devoured, leaving nothing but bones, and creatures left behind who only hungered for the flesh of the living. Humanoid in shape with inky black skin that shined like a carapace but cracked and bleeding, long distended fingers like claws, gaping maws full of razor teeth, pale white eyes, and an insatiable desire for blood.

Ghost Lights

In the deepest parts of the forest where even light finds itself unable to survive past the dense foliage above there exist stories of phantoms. Those who venture this far in come out, speaking of dull blue lights that can be seen far off in the distance. They twinkle and disappear only to reappear elsewhere. Answers about what these things are vary from teller to teller. Some claim that they are lost spirits who wandered the woods for too long and who now help the lost find their way out, or they may be an undiscovered breed of Ember Fly, others claim they are the lures of great ambush predators that lurk in the upper boughs of the trees, waiting for victims to come near. The truth may never be known, as solid evidence of their existence has yet to be found.