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Homo sapiens, otherwise known as humans, are a hardy race that are shockingly adaptable to a wide variety of planetary conditions some alien species might call inhospitable.  
Homo sapiens, otherwise known as humans, are a hardy race that are shockingly adaptable to a wide variety of planetary conditions some alien species might call inhospitable.  
*'''Home System:''' Sol
*'''Home System:''' [[Sol]]
*'''Homeworld:''' [[Earth]]
*'''Homeworld:''' [[Earth]]
*'''Major Political Entities:''' The [[Galactic Coalition]], the [[White Belt Administration]], the [[Federatsiya Feniksa]]
*'''Major Political Entities:''' The [[Galactic Coalition]], the [[White Belt Administration]], the [[Federatsiya Feniksa]]

Revision as of 19:10, 28 April 2020


Universe at Large

The year is 2820 CC, common calendar. Since the 21st century, mankind has cut out a vast empire among the stars. Spreading out from their homeworld of Earth, nearby star systems quickly fell under the control of the unified human government, the democratic Galactic Coalition. From Alpha Centauri to Epsilon Eridani and Tau Ceti, the human race was once known as the largest galactic empire but the specter of war broke the giant into two, allowing the autocratic Federation to secede from the rest of the empire. The Succession War culminated in the disastrous misfiring of the Federation's super-weapon and led to the creation of the White Belt, a demilitarized zone between the two galactic juggernauts. All the while, human corporations aggressively invested in terraforming hostile planets, strip mining moons and asteroids and quickly became the dominant economic powers of human space. Thus, these corporations came together as the overseers of the White Belt.

A fragile peace permits the shattered human factions the opportunity to recover and lick their wounds, while the rest of the galaxy is forced to grapple with the effects of the energy cascade that was caused by the Federation's failed deployment of their super-weapon, the FFS-Fialetivvy. Hyperlanes that planets and colonies depended on for trade and travel have been severed, and strange anomalies throw civilized worlds into chaos. Meanwhile, the Coalition and its nemesis engage in a dangerous spy game, caught in a Cold War that sees tensions rising with every month that passes. The alien empires are caught in the middle, forced to either choose a side or pull the strings of both to fit their own needs.

Your Destination

Welcome to Onia, a border world in White Belt territory a long way from the political intrigue taking place at the center of the galaxy. Onia is overseen by the White Belt Administration, a puppet corporation controlled by several megacorps that are the majority shareholders. Despite having seen plenty of investment and development first from the Coalition and then the Administration upon the establishment of the demilitarized zone, Onia is in a sector of White Belt space that is still considered to be a frontier of sorts, as are the outer areas of most other galactic empires.

Onia was originally colonized by the Coalition after their probes found an abundance of W-1 in the planet's soil, along with other valuable mineral deposits. During the Succession War it remained a sovereign colony of the Coalition, but its remote location made it difficult to defend. Once the War ended, ownership of Onia and Dusklight Colony was transferred to the White Belt Administration, where it remains today. Due to its distance from the rest of central White Belt space, and as a result of Onia's important hyperlane being cut, the White Belt no longer began to assign resources to its expansion and the colonization of the planet suffered; mass migration from the surface left several colonies abandoned or sparsely populated.

While the Administration saw no urgency in further expansion, they tried to keep their frontier worlds at least somewhat profitable by encouraging immigration to the outer rim systems as well as Onia, helping to bolster the hemorrhaging workforce with new blood, promising new lives and riches to prospective employees. Whether that promise would come true, however, remains to be seen...

The Economy

The most common currency used in the galaxy is the Galactic Slat/Credit/Chit/Whateverisvotedgod, originally proposed by humanity and the Rokhandan empire shortly after their first contact scenario. As the two superpowers stumbled upon more alien races, said aliens eventually adopted the usage of this universal currency to trade with their more advanced neighbors, leading to its prevalence today. Some worlds still use their own local currencies, and can be exchanged (with very diminishing returns) at galactic banks, but most societies merely opt to outmode their own currency so they can play in the trans-stellar markets. Unfortunately, this has contributed to a lopsided economic disparity among galactic governments, leaving entities like the Holy See poorer despite the value of their natural resources.

The value of the Slat/Credit/Chit/Whateverisvoted is backed by stockpiles of W-1, not unlike the use of gold and silver in humanity's ancient history. Fiat money did not work on a galactic scale, and the interests of megacorporations and Gwix banks ensured a more tangible value placed on the galactic currency. Thus, they can tightly control hyperinflation and prevent the collapse of one empire cascading into a crash of the trans-stellar markets.

Main Spacefaring Species


Homo sapiens, otherwise known as humans, are a hardy race that are shockingly adaptable to a wide variety of planetary conditions some alien species might call inhospitable.

Humans are the most populous species in the galaxy, and collectively hold more territory than all other galactic empires combined. However, humanity is fractured into two different governments, severely limiting their ability to organize as one race. Second only to the advanced Rokhandans, humanity is the most technologically advanced species, and their massive megacorporations are economic powerhouses with investments across the entire galaxy.


Known for their intelligence, curiosity and sharp wit, Rokhandan science has played a heavy hand in the development of other empires, including humanity's.

While they may not hold as much territory or capital as humanity does, the Rokhandans are an intrepid race of scientists, explorers and pathfinders who have made their name in the sciences. Rokhandans are the most technologically advanced species in the known galaxy and are well respected in scientific circles and by most galactic governments for their willingness to collaborate and share non-military technology.


Short, stout, and shrewd traders, the Gwix hail from an acidic, ore-riddled planet and are known galaxy-wide for their unscrupulous business tactics and intense greed.

Gwix are terribly short by human standards, but what they lack in height they more than make up for in business acumen. The Onk Conglomerate gave plenty of massive human megacorporations a run for their money with how well it played the galactic stock market, but after the War ended, the galaxy found out that the Conglomerate had been arming and supplying both the Coalition and Federation. Now, they're struggling to recover from the bad publicity.


With beautiful, smoky skin and an air of mystique, the Anahi are an elegant but sadly rapidly dwindling race who lost their homeworld to a catastrophic supernova many centuries ago.

  • Home System: ???
  • Homeworld: Selia
  • Major Political Entities: The Roving Sun Fleet

The Anahi were forced to abandon their homeworld of Selia when their binary star system went supernova, destroying their planet entirely. The Anahi species has been trapped on a hastily assembled fleet of tens of thousands of vessels that for centuries, searching the dark regions of unknown space for a new world to settle. They are rare to find in the rest of the galaxy, but some have left the Fleet to try and rekindle their race on other worlds.


With a long history of war and conflict, the Poliesu are highly prized as bodyguards, mercenaries or security officers because of their martial prowess and warrior society.

The Poliesu hail from an aquatic world; while their home planet is now a profitable tourist destination, the Poliesu have only recently achieved a period of stable peace free from their blood-filled past. Their society places a heavy emphasis on honor, family, and combat, and it is not strange to find Poliesu all around the galaxy in a variety of security positions.


The Coathal are the second youngest species to enter trans-stellar society, and are trying their best to make a name on the galactic stage.

While originally several independent nations vying for control of their local star system, the Coathal were forced to unite after first contact, having realized that other galactic powers were made stronger by doing so. The Coathal are known for having the most representative democracy out of all the species, with more liberal policies than the Coalition and a heavy emphasis on civic duty.


The Lumii were discovered by accident as a result of a mistake on the Coalition's part, and galactic pressure forced the Coalition to uplift the medieval species.

Owing to the fact they were uplifted, rather than a natural evolution, the Lumii are the youngest galactic species and struggle heavily with traditionalism in their society. The Lumii are ruled by the Holy See, a religious constitutional monarchy that places absolute power in the hands of the Church. Their strong anti-sin rhetoric and intense xenophobia have made them an outlier on the galactic stage.

Other Species


Robots, synthetics, AI, machines - whatever they're called, artificial life is produced by a myriad of human and alien corporations for a wide variety of purposes, from maintenance to mining to service.

  • Home System: N/A
  • Homeworld: N/A
  • Major Political Entities: N/A

Synthetic life can claim no one race as their progenitor, but the Rokhandans were heavily involved in the development of advanced artificial intelligence and claim them as a sort of unofficial responsibility. The creation of AI systems is heavily regulated by a galactic accord known as the Ji-1 Protocol, preventing robot hiveminds or uprisings. Not every species views synthetics the same way, and their treatment varies depending on what part of civilized space they reside in.


  • 2XXX - Humans harness W-1, gaining access to Hyperlane travel
  • 2768 - Dusklight Colony is founded on Onia
  • 2804 - Succession War begins
  • 2812 - Succession War ends
  • 2813 - White Belt is established
  • 2820 - Current year