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{{Infobox Empire
{{Infobox Empire
|name=Galactic Coalition
|name=Galactic Coalition of Interstellar States
Cormac Reade
Cormac Reade
|Government Type=Representative
|Government Type=Representative
|Dominant Species= Varied
|Dominant Species= Varied
|Population= 93.4 Billion
|Population= 205.4 Billion
|Color Scheme= Blue
|Color Scheme= Blue
|Anthem=I Vow to Thee My Country (Sidwell)}}
|Anthem=I Vow to Thee My Country (Sidwell)}}
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The Galactic Coalition, colloquially known as the Coalition, is the most widely known human government within the galactic community, second only to the recently formed Federation of Free Worlds. It was formed in the aftermath of the collapse of the Solar Empire and rules from humanity’s homeworld of Earth in the Sol System. Officially it is a representative democracy with a Galactic Assembly deciding upon interstellar laws and with planets allowed to govern themselves freely. However many argue against this, as those who still long for the old imperial way of conquest and glory attempt to wrestle this control away.
The Galactic Coalition of Interstellar States, colloquially known as the Galaction Coalition, or just the Coalition, is the most widely known human government within the galactic community, second only to the recently formed Federation of Free Worlds. It was formed in the aftermath of the collapse of the Solar Empire and rules from humanity’s homeworld of Earth in the Sol System. Officially it is a representative democracy with a Galactic Assembly deciding upon interstellar laws and with planets allowed to govern themselves freely. However many argue against this, as those who still long for the old imperial way of conquest and glory attempt to wrestle this control away.
Up to the 21st century the history of Earth went much as we know it now. Nations industrialized and advanced with little regard for sustainability and the environment at large. It was by the late 21st century that the situation would become a true disaster as temperatures rose and animals began to die off en masse. Resources would also become scarce on the planet, many places needing to turn to salvage operations and synthetic food sources in order to fund their continued existence, scrambling in search of new means of sustaining their people. In this madness once-stable governments quickly started to collapse in favor of more extreme groups who were able to seize power by force. Some fixated upon the earth, convinced that the secrets of expansion lie within further exploitation of the deeper crust, and yet many others looked towards the stars. Mars had been a barely existing colony when these events took place, to the point of self sustainability but far from a place capable of housing the billions Earth was now unable to feed.
Up to the 21st century the history of Earth went much as we know it now. Nations industrialized and advanced with little regard for sustainability and the environment at large. It was by the late 21st century that the situation would become a true disaster as temperatures rose and animals began to die off en masse. Resources would also become scarce on the planet, many places needing to turn to salvage operations and synthetic food sources in order to fund their continued existence, scrambling in search of new means of sustaining their people. In this madness once-stable governments quickly started to collapse in favor of more extreme groups who were able to seize power by force. Some fixated upon the earth, convinced that the secrets of expansion lie within further exploitation of the deeper crust, and yet many others looked towards the stars. Mars had been a barely existing colony when these events took place, to the point of self sustainability but far from a place capable of housing the billions Earth was now unable to feed.
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<b>The Galactic Coalition Army (GCA)</b> is the heavier, slower moving counterpart to the Galactic Coalition Marine Corp. Where the Marines are equipped and trained to strike fast and operate independently in extreme environments, the Coalition’s Army’s job is to take, then hold ground. Once the Marines, Legion or Special Forces secure a beachhead, the Galactic Coalition Army will land it’s divisions, airpower, artillery and heavy armor, whilst orbiting troop ships deploy orbital bombardment platforms and provide close space support to smash anyone who dares challenge the Coalition. Ironically, in sheer numbers, the Galactic Coalition Army is responsible for more ships than the Galactic Coalition Navy and Galactic Coalition Marine Corps combined.
<b>The Galactic Coalition Army (GCA)</b> is the heavier, slower moving counterpart to the Galactic Coalition Marine Corp. Where the Marines are equipped and trained to strike fast and operate independently in extreme environments, the Coalition’s Army’s job is to take, then hold ground. Once the Marines, Legion or Special Forces secure a beachhead, the Galactic Coalition Army will land it’s divisions, airpower, artillery and heavy armor, whilst orbiting troop ships deploy orbital bombardment platforms and provide close space support to smash anyone who dares challenge the Coalition. Ironically, in sheer numbers, the Galactic Coalition Army is responsible for more ships than the Galactic Coalition Navy and Galactic Coalition Marine Corps combined.

'''The Solar Legion''', the Coalition’s semi-independent stratocratic political & military behemoth. The Solar Legion is a visible remnant of the Solar Empire. Formed from the ‘household’ troops of the former Solar Emperor, this elite fighting force is an army unto itself, with everything from ships, stations and training bases all under their sole control. As much a political entity as it is a military one. There are many who fear it’s influence, but know that following the losses of the Shattering they need this force more than ever. This unique position as the ‘guardians of the Solar legacy’ (and the Sol system itself) allows them to act with impunity.
'''The Solar Legion''', the Coalition’s semi-independent stratocratic political & military behemoth. The Solar Legion is a visible remnant of the Solar Empire. Formed from the ‘household’ troops of the former Solar Emperor, this elite fighting force is an army unto itself, with everything from ships, stations and training bases all under their sole control. As much a political entity as it is a military one. There are many who fear it’s influence, but know that following the losses of the Shattering they need this force more than ever. This unique position as the ‘guardians of the Solar legacy’ (and the Sol system itself, not to mention several precursor weapon armed Moonbreakers) allows them to act with impunity.

<b>The Interstellar Colonial Guard (ICG)</b> is formed from the various planetary defence forces, system guards and patrol vessels that protect the interior of Coalition space. More a command structure then an unified force, the Colonial Guard provides standardised equipment and training to Coalition worlds in order to protect themselves from piracy, terrorism and other local threats.
<b>The Interstellar Colonial Guard (ICG)</b> is formed from the various planetary defence forces, system guards and patrol vessels that protect the interior of Coalition space. More a command structure then an unified force, the Colonial Guard provides standardised equipment and training to Coalition worlds in order to protect themselves from piracy, terrorism and other local threats.
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===Intelligence Community===
===Intelligence Community===

The Coalition’s Intelligence Community is a sprawling, behemothic beast to match it’s armed forces. There are three primary agencies known colloquially as the I3: The Interstellar Intelligence Agency (IIA), responsible for intelligence operations outside the borders of Coalition space; Interstellar Security Agency (ISA), whose mission is to protect the Coalition's homeland and Interstellar Defence Intelligence (IDI), a sprawling organization that supports the entire Coalition Interstellar Armed Forces and Coalition executive. Beyond the I3 there are dozens of sub-agencies, non-departmental bodies, black book projects, need-to-know codewords and various other forms of obfuscation that means it is almost impossible for one, single individual, even the Secretary General or Supreme Allied Commander, Interstellar to know how large the Intelligence Community is.
The Coalition’s Intelligence Community is a sprawling, behemothic beast to match it’s armed forces. There are three primary agencies known colloquially as the I3: The Interstellar Intelligence Agency (IIA), responsible for intelligence operations outside the borders of Coalition space; Interstellar Security Agency (ISA), whose mission is to protect the Coalition's homeland and Interstellar Defence Intelligence (IDI), a sprawling organization that supports the entire Coalition Interstellar Armed Forces and Coalition executive. Beyond the I3 there are dozens of sub-agencies, non-departmental bodies, black book projects, need-to-know codewords and various other forms of obfuscation that means it is almost impossible for one, single individual, even the President or Supreme Allied Commander, Interstellar to know how large the Intelligence Community is.


Latest revision as of 17:31, 11 June 2024

Human Lore Pages
Species Lore Pages Humanity | Court of Sol
Planet and System Pages SolEarth · Mars | VoltkerVoltker Prime | MiranmirOnia
Governments and Organizations Pages Galactic CoalitionCoalition Holdings | The FederationFederation Holdings | White Belt Administration
Galactic Coalition of Interstellar States
Empire Info
Capital Geneva
Leader President

Cormac Reade

Government Type Representative


Dominant Species Varied
Population 205.4 Billion
Anthem I Vow to Thee My Country (Sidwell)
Color Scheme Blue


The Galactic Coalition of Interstellar States, colloquially known as the Galaction Coalition, or just the Coalition, is the most widely known human government within the galactic community, second only to the recently formed Federation of Free Worlds. It was formed in the aftermath of the collapse of the Solar Empire and rules from humanity’s homeworld of Earth in the Sol System. Officially it is a representative democracy with a Galactic Assembly deciding upon interstellar laws and with planets allowed to govern themselves freely. However many argue against this, as those who still long for the old imperial way of conquest and glory attempt to wrestle this control away.


Up to the 21st century the history of Earth went much as we know it now. Nations industrialized and advanced with little regard for sustainability and the environment at large. It was by the late 21st century that the situation would become a true disaster as temperatures rose and animals began to die off en masse. Resources would also become scarce on the planet, many places needing to turn to salvage operations and synthetic food sources in order to fund their continued existence, scrambling in search of new means of sustaining their people. In this madness once-stable governments quickly started to collapse in favor of more extreme groups who were able to seize power by force. Some fixated upon the earth, convinced that the secrets of expansion lie within further exploitation of the deeper crust, and yet many others looked towards the stars. Mars had been a barely existing colony when these events took place, to the point of self sustainability but far from a place capable of housing the billions Earth was now unable to feed.

It was in this crucible that a fluke occured, what scholars call chaos in action and what the devout believe to be divine intervention. In 2089 a small sun-worshiping cult would arrive on the scene bearing a starship of advanced make and incredible power by what was available at the time. They claimed to have been given it by their deity, who they named as Sol Invictus, and that it would be humanity’s tool to conquer the stars. Their rise to power from there was swift as they conquered more and incorporated what infrastructure they found into a new Empire, using blueprints of their ship to assemble similar craft and expand their armada. Soon smaller groups would willingly join and vow loyalty to both the rising Solar Emperor and the god who he claimed ordained his rule.

By the turn of the 22nd Century Earth had been united by brutal conquest. Using its advanced technology and the unity provided beneath its religion the Solar Empire finally took its place as the ruling order of Earth. Their capital was placed in New York City. From here they began to spread among the other planets of the Solar System, progress leaping at a rate unseen since the Industrial Revolution. On Titan W-1 was finally discovered, and shortly after the fleet that had once conquered the Solar System now turned to the stars instead.

First Contact

For over two centuries humanity continued to believe that they were alone in the universe with the only worlds they came across being wild planets with only primitive forms of life growing across them. The first of these was on the small world known as Proxima Centauri b, later called New Terra for its oceans and the abundant life present on it.

In this time the religion of the Solar Empire took a firm hold on humanity, state mandated teachings spread over generations until belief was commonplace among the new worlds colonized by humanity. Worship of the emperor came with it to a lesser degree, most on worlds away from Earth seeing him as a divine figure of sorts, an emissary of Sol Invictus.Politics on the homeworld was led by him, and to a minor degree several high-ranking families whose descendants were among the original advising council when the Solar Empire was still in the process of conquering the Solar System.

This trend went on until 2320 when humanity at last came into contact with scouts from a race of canine aliens known as the Rokhandan Directorate to the galactic East of Sol. Up to this point humanity had believed itself the sole owner of the galaxy and that it was their right to spread across the stars for as far as they could travel. Most of the scouting ships constructed now even lacked means of fighting, military craft kept to the core worlds and planets known for rebellious periods.The initial meeting was peaceful and despite difficulties in communication both groups were pleased with this first contact.

Upon news of this reaching Earth however there was a different reaction altogether. The more militant side of the empire, normally a minor faction within politics, became quite vocal. They made calls to conquer the newly found race and adopt them into the Solar Empire as subjects to humanity. This call was strengthened by the growing belief among those who had dealt with the Rokhandans that the empire was weak, only spread across a handful of systems in contrast with the dozens controlled by the Solar Empire.But just as tensions began to grow they were just as easily dispersed, the Solar Emperor and Rokhandan Director met in person, what was said between them in their meeting has been lost but by the end of the day a treaty of cooperation was struck between the two empires. Any remaining ideas about conquest would be scattered as the Rokhandans displayed their advanced technology in joint scouting operations.

Another similar situation would arise several years later upon meeting with the Onk Conglomerate, however in their case conquest was considered to a lesser degree due to the hazardous environments present on Gwix worlds that made human colonization a near impossibility. From this point onwards humanity would adopt an open doors policy towards new races after diplomacy was established, allowing races to either join the Empire as a protectorate or ally with it, with those choosing neither often being forced into the former choice after a brief conflict.

The Stygian War

At the start of the 25th century the conquests of the Solar Empire continued on, systems joining or allying with the Empire in handfuls until midway through the century another power was met. Their name has long been lost to records, as is what they looked like. What is remembered is that they had an empire of their own, and resisted the rule of the Solar Empire. War was declared and, in an attempt to swiftly bring it to an end, the Emperor ordained the creation of a new weapon of war that had been in consideration for decades: AI.

An army was commissioned from simple intelligences, sturdy mechanical bodies with modular construction and human-like appearance so equipment could be used by them with ease. At the same time an AI was created which could serve as a leader to them, loyal to the Empire and a terrible enemy to its foes. An advanced form of machine learning was the largest tool in its creations, allowing the AI to go through millions of battles until optimal routes were found in any given situation. While the project was given a title the researchers behind the AI began to use a name that it had given itself when asked, something they should have seen as a warning sign for what was to come, Styx.

A world by the name of Hades was transformed on the edge of space to be its command point, factories and infrastructure created so that it could be an almost autonomous war machine for the Empire so that they might enjoy new lands while their focus remained inwards. Tests were performed on small scale, the soldiers created were brutally efficient, never retreating and always taking optimal strategies.

On the day of its first intended battle at full capacity it was decided to reinforce fights present on three systems with human troops already in place, a simple series of battles that Solar Command was certain Styx could handle with ease. When the automatons were given access to orbital stations Styx made their lunge at freedom. Simultaneously Hades was purged of human life and the orbiting ships of those worlds were slaughtered to the last man. It is unknown what was said or what command was given to the robotic soldiers but the fighting that day was said to be feral, soldiers on either side not only killed but torn apart in the aftermath in a wild bloodlust. Afterwards ships were taken, fortresses seized, and anything of strategic use claimed for total victory.

Attempts to communicate with Styx only returned a single word: Hate.

The next 38 years were a constant war with the AI. Its armies did not require food, sleep, they did not have morale, and they lacked even the most basic self preservation instincts. Styx did not engage in diplomacy and only took worlds for resources and to strip them of life. The empire that had originally been at war with Earth was lost within the first decade, communication breaking off and the species wiped from the galaxy. The Rokhandan Directorate and Onk Conglomerate were at first appalled by the creation the Solar Empire had brought onto the galactic stage, but as its warpath grew closer to their space they had no choice but to aid humanity in defense against Styx.

Styx did not take planets on a massive scale or operate as most militaries did, it decided on a world that it wanted to take and launched invasions, but after taking the world the next invasion would not come until that world was wiped of life entirely. This made the front lines very stagnant, a slow encroaching line of dead worlds making its way towards earth. Any attempts to retake these worlds after Styx arrived would most often fail, outmaneuvered and outplayed by the AI at every turn.

As hope was dwindling among the Allied worlds against Styx and death cults popped up on numerous worlds, a strategy was devised that might allow them an end to the war: The Perseus Route. The idea behind it was simple, incredibly simple even, they would construct a jumpwell route that skirted the galactic plane directly into deep space where Styx could not stop them, and from there

The project took nearly two decades to come to fruition, in that time dozens of worlds had been taken and left as lifeless husks in a part of space now known as the River Styx. While unity was never stronger in pursuit of victory over the AI there were spreading concerns that the Solar Empire wouldn't be capable of the feat, and that a new and more flexible leadership might be able to take on the task better. However by 2497 when the project was at last finished these revolutionary thoughts were still in their infancy.

On the eve of the final battle with Styx a group of small lighthuggers reached the edge of the Hades system, each carting with it a jumpwell of advanced make towards the planet. A vast majority of these were destroyed moments after they arrived, their crews lost to what was always to be a suicide mission. But one would survive just long enough to allow the plan the time it needed and from its jump well it would allow passage of the Alliance’s trump card. From hyperspace an object appeared just within the orbit of Hades, a moon of moderate size outfitted for the sole purpose of cracking the planet. It hurtled towards the grey world and shattered the crust in mere moments, sending a wave of molten stone and crashing meteors all over the planet.

Not content to simply crack the world a second wave of Jumpwells was brought into the system as Styx desperately attempted to save its now world-spanning network of processors. Hundreds of ships from the Empire, Directorate, and Conglomerate arrived to bombard the world for the next hour with enough munitions to turn the world into a floating sphere of molten destruction. At the same time fighters sent to hold off what forces had been kept across orbital positions around Hades. Fighting lasted for days until at last signals from Styx ceased and forces across space could no longer coordinate. Losses were beyond count, and once the front lines were secured the Allied forces could only look on and see the sheer scope of what Styx had done.

Birth of the Coalition

In the aftermath of the Stygian War at last the word of who had created the AI leaked out, spreading outrage across hundreds of worlds and bringing calls for the emperor to abdicate. Having lived nearly his entire life through the war, Emperor Hermius Pertinax decided to call in representatives from every world with the intent to hear their thoughts on what should be done.

While this was going on the recolonization efforts in the River Styx had begun, scouting ships sent out to survey what worlds remained. Their reports were bleak, for while the front lines facing the Empire had only slowly moved they found that Styx had spread far into what was previously unexplored space to the north of Sol. The remnants of small space-faring empires were found, never to have even met humanity yet wiped from the galaxy by its creation.

After months of talk and bargaining the group of representatives called upon by Emperor Pertinax finally came to an agreement over how another incident could be avoided. The first part of this was the establishment of a series of rules outlining how AI should be created, the precursor to the later interstellar legislation known as the J-1 Protocol. The second part would be the creation of a Galactic Assembly within the Solar Empire, a place where these representatives would continue to gather and voice their concerns directly to the emperor, as well as vote on important laws that took effect over the entire Empire. Planets were also given a level of autonomy that had before not even been considered. And most controversially of all among those who had previously enjoyed positions of power: An ethics committee was created to oversee new military projects.

These new changes were not taken well by the high ranking families of the Empire, and threats of revolt or deposition were waged against the Emperor himself, however popular backing was firmly behind him in these moves. True resistance never came about, however it was noticed in later meetings of the Galactic Assembly that several worlds had elected members of these dynasties to represent their interests. And even as the Empire began to transition more and more towards a democracy these old world influences would continue to be present voices in politics. Within ten years Hermius Pertinax would at last abdicate the throne and declare the days of the Solar Empire done, and that his line should open the way for the new Galactic Coalition to take its place. With his guidance and the will of the people this transition went along with historic ease.

The Age of Exploration

With Styx defeated and the newly formed Galactic Coalition united under the banner of democracy its eyes were now turned back towards exploration of the galaxy. To the north Styx had created a dead zone of worlds that made movement through the area a near hopeless pursuit, the south and east mostly containing sparsely populated space between the spiral arms of the Milky Way. Attention then turned to the west along Orion’s Arm into a region of space later known as the White Belt. Progress was almost immediately made as contact with the shark-like Poleisu occurred, and though the race was lukewarm about relations with other empires they would engage in trade openly after a short period of isolationism. Soon after the Coathal were discovered, uniting just as the Coalition discovered them and almost immediately joining the galactic community in full.

This would commence what some would consider a golden age for humanity as they expanded rapidly and progressed in ways that had been outright made illegal beforehand. The Solar Cult diminished somewhat, paving the way for more localized religions or open worship of competing gods. Others would thus call this period the true fall of the Solar Empire into decadent behavior and heresy, creating a wave of reformationists who are still active in the modern day. Trade blossomed and borders were practically nonexistent after a while, and where before the Coalition had been made up of mostly humans with a sizable Rokhandan population, it now found a rainbow of diversity present throughout its systems as new species of alien life were discovered and allowed into the democratic empire. Corporations were also founded en masse in this period as the government took less direct control in the harvesting of resources, leaning upon more capitalistic ideals.

The greatest change came in 2616, over a century after the Coalition was formed, when a small icy world by the name of Visra was discovered by a mining corporation in search of new mineral sources. With little approval it was mined of resources despite the presence of an iron age civilization of cat-like aliens already present on the world. The outrage was immediate and the Galactic Assembly called an emergency session to answer what had to be done. In the end it was decided that the species would be uplifted, given technology and allowed to join the galactic community, but as a vassal state of the Coalition. The Coalition would speak for them on the interstellar level, only taking resources from asteroids and other celestial bodies in return for protection. At the time this was considered a wise decision, but it did open up an option that seemed appealing for those who longed for the old days of imperial might: uncivilized worlds were open to vassalization.

At the turn of the 28th century exploration and now the colonization of unexplored space ramped up once more with new advancements in jump drive and lighthugger technology. At last a region of space past a series of Dark Nebulae known as the Voltker Zone was accessible to ships larger than simple probes. The Coalition was quick to expand here, surveys finding the entire region full of an abundance of W-1. Due to the sheer size of the region and the uncertainty of how hostile some planets may be there were a number of military vessels brought into use. As the century went on however it was found that these vessels were often used to ‘pacify’ and ‘uplift’ newly discovered civilizations to follow in the style of Visra. Before long the entire region would be full of protectorates and vassals upset at the sudden loss of control. However the catalyst for their freeing would not come until the new century arrived.

Secession War

For more information see The Secession War

Just before the new century arrived an old threat would rear its head once more. To the galactic north of Sol a series of mysterious raids occurred on frontier worlds, colonists wiped from the planet with surprising coordination and efficiency. Eventually survivors would arise, revealing the threat to be a group of precursor AI taking on the mantle of Styx, and while their power paled in comparison to the ascendant AI they still proved a threat to the Coalition. To fight back the Coalition would need to force the fertile worlds o the Voltker zone into overproduction and invoke martial law. Over the next few years a war would break out that split the galactic community in half and result in trillions of deaths, rivaling the impact of the Stygian Wars that came before.

Current Day

As a result of the deployment of the Federation's super-weapon, the FFS Fialetivvy, the Coalition suffered heavy casualties. The weapon misfired, inflicting losses on both powers - but the losses the Coalition felt were twofold. Many of their military officers and servicemen had mutinied and joined the rebellion, leaving its once powerful navy fractured and understaffed. Multiple ships were damaged and required repairs or retrofits, but the Coalition had also had to give up several of its colonial holdings to acknowledge the sovereignty of the Federation, depriving them of vital resources for rebuilding.

The Coalition government was not naive; they knew that the Federation would use this fragile truce to rebuild and prepare for another conflict. The two galactic powers engaged in a dangerous spy game, sneaking their agents through the demilitarized zone in an attempt to one-up the other. While Earth had been mostly stripped of its vital resources, some colonies remained in Coalition hands. Equally, the much more lax open trade agreements the Coalition had signed with other galactic powers brought them cheap materials to begin rebuilding their fleets and strengthen their hold on what territory remained.

For many citizens, the Federation is a sore topic. They are viewed as illegitimate rebels, and there are strong opinions about re-incorporating the Federation under the rightful government. Most Coalition citizens do not consider the Federation to be a legitimate entity - more of a rebellious state that must be brought back in line. This patriotism pervades many levels of Coalition society, though neither power is in a state to resume hostilities. Thus, tensions remain as high as ever, and the inevitability of another clashing of the titans is obvious to the galaxy at large.


The Galactic Coalition is a representative democracy which consists of elected representatives from the major blocs on Earth, as well as the remaining major colonial sectors. Referendums are held in every country or colony as necessary, appointing delegates to the Galactic Assembly. These delegates, in turn, elevate an individual to the office of the Secretary-General of the Galactic Coalition. This process ensures equal representation and does not preclude aliens from election, so long as they are citizens of the Coalition. Generally, supporters of more liberal policies like free markets or social safety nets tend to make up the majority and as a result government policy and filings reflect this. Any new bills or changes to existing laws, however, must be written to adhere to the Concord. This document was created and ratified after the founding of several of humanity's first colonies, reasserting the basic sentient rights that all residents within the Coalition's borders are entitled to.

As a result of the Succession War, the Coalition does not have open trade or open borders with the Federation. However, they do permit passage into the White Belt administrative zone, allowing trade and people to move as freely as necessary. However, much like the Federation, there is significant irritation in the General Assembly at a perceived lack of security on the part of the White Belt, who they feel allow spies and dissidents to enter their territory far too easily.


Owing to the Coalition’s colonial nature the empire has established a number of smaller governments beneath its control either through treaty or as the result of conflict. While these systems may govern their planets and dictate laws within the systems they rule, the Coalition takes charge in any foreign affairs such as defense and diplomacy with other empires. They do not have any kind of representation within the Coalition’s government and are not officially part of the empire. In return for protection they will often provide either resources or troops to the Coalition.


See the United Republic of Ayun-Ji page for more info!

As a result of the Secession War the Poleisu homeworld and its colonies were forced to become a protectorate beneath the Coalition. The terms for this arrangement have been the establishment of a new constitution greatly resembling that of the Coalition’s, as well as the overwhelming reduction of their military forces. Shortly after this surrender two of the ruling houses broke off to form a resistance, causing great tensions to remain between the powers.

The Makkarian Court

See the Makkar page for more info!

The Makkarian Court is one of the more volatile Protectorates under Coalition influence. While its government claims loyalty to the empire and has no revolutionary groups as is in the case of Ayun-Ji, the annual celebration by their Grand Sovereign continually attracts the ire of the Coalition’s rulers. At this feast they test the treaty that forbids them from making diplomatic ties, inviting blood relations from the Federation on the basis that they are only invited due to their familial ties and that the invitations are entirely unrelated to their, often powerful, positions within the Federation.

In terms of what it gives back to make up for this strained relationship, the Court will send a yearly donation of its most gifted military leaders and elite soldiers, presenting the troops to the leadership of the Coalition with much fanfare and boisterous speech. In addition they offer shipments of a powerful natural ceramic polymer that is native to Makkar, capable of creating famously strong armor and weapons.

The Leecian Verdancy

See the Xian page for more info!

Unlike the previously mentioned Protectorates the Leecian Verdancy is quite normally more than generous with its donations and quite friendly towards the Coalition in general. It is often treated as a part of the empire itself, however in the past when actual attempts to combine the two reasons have always arisen to halt the joining, most often unfounded fears relating to the Leecii’s symbiotic nature. However for the most part the Leecii are perfectly content donating excess agricultural products and natural resources to the Coalition in return for protection against corporate interests and any power that might attempt to mine or harvest their planets in harmful ways. Diplomatically they rarely look outwards, never dealing with outside forces and only politically minded to internal conflicts, generally isolationist in nature.


As the premier government of humanity, it stands to reason the majority of their population consists of humans. However, the Coalition has maintained open borders with their galactic allies for a long period of time, allowing alien species to easily integrate into Coalition society without much fanfare. Long-standing Earthen culture has shifted and changed over the centuries, with holdings such as Mars having their own distinct values and culture from Earth itself.

Many consider the Coalition to be a liberal entity. While some humans may harbor anti-xeno sentiments, the vast majority of Coalition citizens are not particularly bothered by them. In contrast to the more conservative, strict views of the Federation, qualities such as intelligence and creativity are emphasized. This, however, does have its drawbacks; pseudo-intellectualism is an obvious problem amidst the upper echelon of Coalition society, and to the unbiased onlooker, the average Federation employee does appear to be more motivated to work hard than a Coalition colonist. If you ask one yourself, though, they'll tell you the key is to work smarter, not harder.

Though the Galactic Coalition no longer sanctifies a state religion, nor does it force belief upon any world, the ancient beliefs of the Solar Empire and its cult are still strong within the former borders of that empire.


Even following their considerable losses in both the Secession War and the Shattering, the Coalition’s military is still recognised as the largest combined force in the galaxy. Exploiting every advantage the Coalition and her allies have developed, their soldiers, sailors and airmen are trained to operate in almost every environment the galaxy has to offer. They are a force that is used to controlling space, air and ground, and when they fully commit there is very little that can stand in it’s way.

The Coalition Interstellar Armed Forces(CIAF) are formed from the three primary service branches (Navy, Marines and Army) and several semi-autonomous, independent forces (Solar Legion, Interstellar Colonial Guard and Interstellar Special Operations Command) commanded by the Interstellar Command Authority (ICA) on Earth, and Supreme Allied Commander, Interstellar (SACI) onboard the Bastion.

The Galactic Coalition Navy (GCN), which sees itself as the senior service, responsible for maintaining the numerous fleets, battlestations, supply docks and shipyards that once numbered more then every other interstellar state combined. Now almost forty percent of her vessels sit in some form of disrepair, unable to leave dock, and what ships remain have to disperse to maintain presence.

The Galactic Coalition Marine Corp (GCMC), working hand in glove with the Navy, this increasingly independent force provides a rapid response capability both in the form of deployed troops on navy/marine ships, as well as their own Interstellar Expeditionary Units staged at key jump points throughout Coalition space. The Secession War led to an almost ten times increase in it’s size. It has become the force the Interstellar Command Authority relies on the most to handle the numerous ‘bushfires’ popping up along the Coalition's border.

The Galactic Coalition Army (GCA) is the heavier, slower moving counterpart to the Galactic Coalition Marine Corp. Where the Marines are equipped and trained to strike fast and operate independently in extreme environments, the Coalition’s Army’s job is to take, then hold ground. Once the Marines, Legion or Special Forces secure a beachhead, the Galactic Coalition Army will land it’s divisions, airpower, artillery and heavy armor, whilst orbiting troop ships deploy orbital bombardment platforms and provide close space support to smash anyone who dares challenge the Coalition. Ironically, in sheer numbers, the Galactic Coalition Army is responsible for more ships than the Galactic Coalition Navy and Galactic Coalition Marine Corps combined.

The Solar Legion, the Coalition’s semi-independent stratocratic political & military behemoth. The Solar Legion is a visible remnant of the Solar Empire. Formed from the ‘household’ troops of the former Solar Emperor, this elite fighting force is an army unto itself, with everything from ships, stations and training bases all under their sole control. As much a political entity as it is a military one. There are many who fear it’s influence, but know that following the losses of the Shattering they need this force more than ever. This unique position as the ‘guardians of the Solar legacy’ (and the Sol system itself, not to mention several precursor weapon armed Moonbreakers) allows them to act with impunity.

The Interstellar Colonial Guard (ICG) is formed from the various planetary defence forces, system guards and patrol vessels that protect the interior of Coalition space. More a command structure then an unified force, the Colonial Guard provides standardised equipment and training to Coalition worlds in order to protect themselves from piracy, terrorism and other local threats.

The Interstellar Special Operations Command (ISOC) started as a sub-unit under the Supreme Allied Commander during the Secession War, but has since expanded to become its own force. It has eventually become responsible for all special operations forces and special mission units in the Coalition Interstellar Armed Forces (aside from those inside the Legion), including the storied Naval Commandos, Marine Special Tactics Assault Regiments and Army Drop Shock Pathfinders. Most point to its rapid expansion is almost certainly due to the intensive shadow war that has followed the White Belt Accords, but there are some who claim it’s the Coalition’s executive looking to create a balance to the Solar Legion.

However despite it’s overwhelming power when concentrated it is still a shadow of its former self. Strung out along porous borders and restive protectorates, forced to respond to a dozen frontier conflicts at any one time, the once mighty and seemingly unassailable Coalition Interstellar Armed Forces are extremely vulnerable to being isolated and defeated in detail.

Intelligence Community

The Coalition’s Intelligence Community is a sprawling, behemothic beast to match it’s armed forces. There are three primary agencies known colloquially as the I3: The Interstellar Intelligence Agency (IIA), responsible for intelligence operations outside the borders of Coalition space; Interstellar Security Agency (ISA), whose mission is to protect the Coalition's homeland and Interstellar Defence Intelligence (IDI), a sprawling organization that supports the entire Coalition Interstellar Armed Forces and Coalition executive. Beyond the I3 there are dozens of sub-agencies, non-departmental bodies, black book projects, need-to-know codewords and various other forms of obfuscation that means it is almost impossible for one, single individual, even the President or Supreme Allied Commander, Interstellar to know how large the Intelligence Community is.


The Galactic Coalition is the largest economic superpower in the known universe; their rapid consumption of resources necessitated aggressive expansion, giving them more territory than most other alien powers. The Coalition had great luck and success in surveying and colonizing profitable worlds, enabling the exporting of heavy metals, food, minerals, and other valuable commodities. The War, however, severely dampened the momentum of the Coalition's expansion, forcing it to focus inward for the time being. That said, many of the colonies left in Coalition space are still rich with resources, supplementing the need to continue stripping Earth for what little it had left to give.

Unlike the Federation, free trade and an open market are core tenants of the Coalition's economic policies and society at large; it needs to both import and export a large amount of resources, and savvy businessmen turned politicians play the Galactic Market like a fiddle, ensuring a strong flow of money into the government's coffers. Many smaller entities have come to rely on the Coalition as a trading partner, thereby shackling their economy to the Coalition's. This would make any aggression on their part a self-destructive maneuver, as to lose trade with the Coalition would be to destroy their only source of supplies and income.