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|The Men-at-Arms for the House; the tip of the Ajnorian spear. It is through Federation backing that the Onian chapter is bolstered by these brave souls. Be they fresh recruits, veterans from the Secession War, or transfers from the Federation’s core worlds, the Federation Auxiliary serves alongside the Houseguard and the Attendants as their forward military force.
|The Men-at-Arms for the House; the tip of the Ajnorian spear. It is through Federation backing that the Onian chapter is bolstered by these brave souls. Be they fresh recruits, veterans from the Secession War, or transfers from the Federation’s core worlds, the Federation Auxiliary serves alongside the Houseguard and the Attendants as their forward military force.

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[[Image:HoY Phoenix Paint logo2.png|thumb|500px|House of Ajnoria Phoenix]]  
[[Image:HoY Phoenix Paint logo2.png|thumb|500px|House of Ajnoria Phoenix]]  

Founded in 2130, House Ajnoria was one of the noble houses rising in the wake of Martian settlement.  From these humble beginnings they rose throughout the Solar Empire and were given claim to one of the areas of space now making up a portion of both the white belt and the Voltker expanse.  It was a notoriously fiery, moralistic House whose motto reflected its role, ‘In Vigilans Accipiter’ or, ‘The Watchful Hawk.’ Its cautious approach, tendency towards soft-touch power plays via proxies, political maneuvering and trade earned it ire in the former Solar Empire, who saw them as having a heretical lack of faith in humanity’s destiny.   
Founded in 2095, House Ajnoria was one of the noble houses rising in the wake of Solar unification.  From these humble beginnings they rose throughout the Solar Empire and were given claim to one of the areas of space now making up a portion of both the white belt and the Voltker expanse.  It was a notoriously fiery, moralistic House whose motto reflected its role, ‘In Vigilans Accipiter’ or, ‘The Watchful Hawk.’ Its cautious approach, tendency towards soft-touch power plays via proxies, political maneuvering and trade earned it ire in the former Solar Empire, who saw them as having a heretical lack of faith in humanity’s destiny.   

Contrasting this was its view among non-human powers.  While the Empire grew a reputation for forceful expansion and domination, Ajnoria was often the power that ensured more peaceful operations and even ensured that the integration of imperial subjects was as benevolent as possible.  To this day, house Ajnoria has allies among the political factions of most non-human powers, even those it is opposed with, and Ajnoria originating charity organizations across the known galaxy are, while not omnipresent, consistent throughout the holdings of the former Solar Empire.
Contrasting this was its view among non-human powers.  While the Empire grew a reputation for forceful expansion and domination, Ajnoria was often the power that ensured more peaceful operations and even ensured that the integration of imperial subjects was as benevolent as possible.  To this day, house Ajnoria has allies among the political factions of most non-human powers, even those it is opposed with, and Ajnoria originating charity organizations across the known galaxy are, while not omnipresent, consistent throughout the holdings of the former Solar Empire.

Revision as of 20:33, 24 September 2023

House Ajnoria
HoY Shield 2.png
Faction Leader Eve (HazardLl)
Senior Staff Rhajan Maahes ((xzander.slade))
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Type Noble House
Headquarters Residential Hold


Established in the year 2095, House Ajnoria was among the noble houses that ascended during the rise of Solar unification. Harkening back to the days of the Solar Empire, its history is both vast and rich but as the Solar Empire faded into history, so did House Ajnoria's place in the galaxy. Today, The Noble house of Ajnoria has risen from the ashes and looks to reclaim its old historic deed to Onia and to bring civilization and peace to Onia, for the glory and freedom of the Federation! With the backing of The Federation, The House seeks to not only add to its Holdings Onia, but the Miranmir system in its entirety; their goal being to harness and control the strange anomalies that plague the new frontier. The House of Ajnoria welcomes all to its lands and to aid the needy, acting as the guiding hand, we must be fair and firm as required.

— Ignis Accipiter, Surgit ad Astra

Laws of Chivalry

The Silver hawk of Sayadi Hawk Flies upwards. Above it, a symbol of humanity’s origin, Shamash and the two moons of Voltker Prime in partial occlusion.

OOC: Rule and order are major themes to a noble house, and are primarily RP creators, not restrictors. Behavior is encouraged but beyond sim rules and restrictions imposed specifically by leadership, adhering to these laws should be tools to increase our ability to roleplay, not to limit your character. Ideals to strive towards, there are many factions for villainous or self-serving characters, and your character may be imperfect, but it is the constant striving to be something more that defines someone of ‘noble’ intent.

Please uphold or try to uphold above all else the Golden Rule in all OOC matters, “Do to others what you would wish done to you.” We all fail, but we should consider that other people have feelings and we should all strive to be first of all, kind hearted. Oftentimes this is violated not by an attempt to do wrong to others, but a need to correct or be right. We all feel pain, and we too often use that pain as a weapon to hurt others, which simply perpetuates anguish.

IC Expectation
When you wear your house colors, you are an ambassador of your house. You represent your house, and you should act with the respect your house deserves. As such your actions in our colors are to be judged more strictly than those out of them and while out of color you have more freedom, within it we expect you to uphold the best of behavior. We hope you maintain this when you're off duty, but the standards will be noticeably lowered.
OOC Expectation
Basically just try to behave a bit better in uniform, part of the theme is to be better than you are, but we all need breaks. Out of uniform is for breaks.
IC Expectation
The house is supreme, we are above the tussles and squabbles of the so called ‘factions.’ But our exact requirements differ based on rank. Those of the general-populace are not permitted to join any group that demands loyalty to a foreign cause. Officers however must devote themselves fully to the House, abandoning connections to any group that is not a humble business, religious institution, or non-political entity.
OOC Expectation
General members are not restricted except for well, obviously SRG. Officers may not be members of anything other than DWU, GR is too loyal to corps and is therefore not really ok for an officer either. Also like, ‘immoral’ acts are not ok for minor nobility.
IC Expectation
We abstain from violence if possible, but when we do fight, we must fight with honor. This does not mean that we refuse stealthy, subtle or discrete tactics, but we avoid directly underhanded actions. A challenge should be met, and it should settle an issue. An assassination can be an honorable act, there is a path of subterfuge that remains within honor, but one should not lie about their achievements, they should not boast without reason, and they should meet a challenge.
OOC Expectation
Try to be ‘honorable’ in combat, avoid being a boisterous jerk, but do not shy from your achievements, don’t lure out people under false pretenses, an assassin can still be noble, a criminal can act with honor, but try not to be a jerk who ‘has’ to win. Win because of your own achievement and on your loss, lose with honor. Think Klingons, not Skaven.
IC Expectation
Even the lowest level of our house still represents the house, spewing vitriol within comms is to be avoided, baseless accusations and ignoble behavior should be frowned upon. Someone may engage in personal vices in private, but should avoid public drunkenness or public immorality. This includes any form of social media. Do not publicize your sexual conquests, personal feuds or emotional insecurities.
OOC Expectation
Try not to shit post, be responsible as you can, IC chatter is great for casual conversation but you should generally try to be publicly an upstanding person. Obviously not a hard and fast rule but we should all try to make the sim a better place, and to reflect upon each other's characters.
IC Expectation
A noble warrior will not stand for despots, they do not stand for oppression and they stand against exploitation of the weak. The house does not rule through fear or removal of rights, it stands for its people. Whether the exploiter is a Baron of the house or a Coalition governor, there is no difference, true nobility will stand against inequity and evil without regards to allegiance.
OOC Expectation
Speak up if you feel something leadership has done is wrong. Silence will never improve a group nor will it improve the sim. This goes both IC and OOC. This is not an encouragement to second-guess or undermine authority, to nitpick, but rather to take a stand when you or your character feel they must.
IC Expectation
The most noble of attributes is to embody generous behavior, hold hands out wide, give what you can to who you can, the man who does not give has no noble habit. It is better to live in rags so your servants can still eat, than to live in a palace in a land of paupers.
OOC Expectation
Help people, a major theme is aiding those worse off than you. Think less about repayment for your good acts, for your gifts, help, gear, etc. And think more about how you can help others. ICly you’re backed by a rich, noble, powerful house and this mission is one of honor, not of profit. Help new players and help each other, help people who play the needy and generally try to be like, good.
IC Expectation
To own a magnanimous personality, to embody a being who is larger than life, who stands above others, not due to rule of law or force of arms, but due purely to the force of their personality is the ultimate ideal.
OOC Expectation
This is hard for most of us, but it's a classic law of chivalry. It’s to be larger than life, to be greater than you can be. Strive to be a force of personality that others look to as an inspiration. Characters that embody the idea of this is Brian Blessed in (anything Brian Blessed has been in) or Sollaire from Dark Souls. Strive to be so grossly incandescent!

Roles and Ranks


Leadership has the luxury of wearing whatever clothing they feel best represents them, with the exception of the colors that other factions wear. Black is acceptable on account of its neutrality.

Lord/Lady Castellan The Lord or Lady Castellan is the leader of the newly-arrived chapter on Onia.  A non-hereditary noble title, Castellan is a highly ranked officer of the House’s retinue, entrusted with loyally serving the House’s interests on a holding or colony.  If a member of the noble family is not on the planet, they effectively govern in the House’s name.  The Lord Castellan’s role on Onia is far more limited, a tight balancing act of dealing with foreign powers while following the chapter’s goal of regaining the resources of Onia entitled to them.  While they have complete control over the retinue on Onia, they still serve at the whim of the Arch Duchess, just as all below them.
Lord/Lady Arbiter Officer in charge of the House chapter’s military forces.  They are entrusted with the training and management of the Houseguard and Auxiliary, but only perform any offensive actions at the bidding of the Castellan.  In the environment of Onia, the Arbiter is a master of strategy, subterfuge, and diplomacy.  Some battles can be won without a drop of blood spilled.
Prelate The Prelate is the Lord/Lady Castellan’s left-hand, focused more on the day-to-day issues of running the chapter, engaging in its business, and managing the attendants.  While the Castellan may make the decisions, it is generally the Prelate that ensures they are carried out.  Traditionally, they also serve as the royal officer in charge of justice.  If a crime is committed or a House member wrongs another, it is the Prelate who passes judgment.

Above: An Ajnorian Knight and two Novitiates charging an entrenched enemy position.

Officers wear a White or Black primary, with a Green secondary(Hex#1a3a10), and gold accents (Hex# f5d884). They are required to wear these colors in some prominent manner while upholding their duty. Legates wear a Black primary, with a Green secondary(Hex# 353a26). For their fatigues, they can wear non-combat duty-dress and tri-colors (1980-1990s military fatigues)

Knight While many aspire to be granted a knighthood, relatively few rise to the standards of long service and ideals.  Skilled, sharp, and entirely loyal to the House, knights are the elite of the Houseguard.  Usually seen leading Houseguard footmen in combat, on Onia they are tasked also with guarding the chapter’s manor and escorting the nobility as needed.  To be a knight is to embody the concept of chivalry, honor, and the highest ideals of the House.
Consul A Consul is an expert.  Experienced, with long years of service in their field.  Diplomats, bureaucrats, scientists and merchants, corporate leaders.  They serve the House in their roles, and are trusted to give the Castellan guidance when asked.
Legate The field officers of the Ajnorian Guardsmen, Legates command the greater forces in day-to-day military operations. Hardened veterans, proven and tempered in the field of battle, with unshakeable nerve, discipline, and dedication to the Ajnorian cause. They adhere to the word of the Castellan and Arbiter, as well as the Prelate.

General Players

Houseguard and Attendants wear White as a primary color with a Green secondary (Hex# 1a3a10), Black as a tertiary color, with Silver accents (Hex# b3b3b3).  They are required to wear these colors in some prominent manner while upholding their duty.  

Federation Auxiliary use a series of colors for their uniforms. Cloth is Tan (Hex# 70664d), leather is Brown (Hex# 413730), accent is Red (Hex# 80272c), and armor is Green (Hex# 353a26).

Houseguard The rank-and-file of the forces the House has on Onia.  Whether transferred from the House’s home holdings or freshly recruited on the planet.  When one is granted the title of Houseguard, they are considered a citizen of Ajnoria, as well as the Federation,  and are given either land, or a home, on one of the Ajnorian crown worlds. One may receive the honor of being bestowed an Ankit glass at the sole behest of the Lord/Lady Castellan.
Attendant The true backbone of the House.  The household and diplomatic staff; engineers, bureaucrats, scientists, physicians, merchants, and craftsmen.  Any person sworn to the House in a non-military role could be classified as an attendant.  Much like the Houseguard, they are given the status of Ajnorian and Federation citizenship, and are granted either land or a home on an Ajnorian crown world. They too, may receive the honor of being bestowed an Ankit glass at the behest of the Lord/Lady Castellan.
Guardsman The Men-at-Arms for the House; the tip of the Ajnorian spear. It is through Federation backing that the Onian chapter is bolstered by these brave souls. Be they fresh recruits, veterans from the Secession War, or transfers from the Federation’s core worlds, the Federation Auxiliary serves alongside the Houseguard and the Attendants as their forward military force.

New Players

Novitiates and Retainers wear White as a primary color with a Green secondary (Hex# 1a3a10), and Black as a tertiary color. When using the Tannhauser chest piece, it is blank and without decorative trim.  Players are still encouraged to modify their pouches, armor plates, and have creativity within uniform guidelines. Retainers who are promoted from Auxiliary Recruit keep their Auxiliary colors.

Auxiliary Recruits use a series of colors for their uniforms. Cloth is Tan (Hex# 70664d), leather is Brown (Hex# 413730), accent is Green (Hex# 333f29), and armor is Green (Hex# 353a26). They only wear the Marshal chest piece, with no plate carriers. Players are still encouraged to modify their pouches, strike plates, and have creativity.


Above: The Lady Castellan bestowing honors upon a Houseguard for distinguished service; Onia Chapter, circa. 2823
  • An oath of loyalty sworn to the Arch Duchess and the House when Novitiates, Recruits, and Commoners ‘graduate’.
  • Anyone achieving the rank of Knight is to be referred to as Sir or Dame.  Anyone achieving the rank of Consul or Legate is to be referred to as sir or madam.  Those who do not identify as either male or female may choose their prefix as chosen, defaulting to sir if one is in question.  The ascension ceremony involves the Arbiter of the house. The ceremony involves a formal meeting of the house, a declaration of loyalty unto the house, and the tapping of the sword to both shoulders.  While consuls are not knights, their ceremony is the same
  • Following the esteemed Federation military tradition, ascension from Recruit to Guardsman and higher will be honored in rank and medal ceremonies. Wherein they will receive the commendations of duty and valor, and when appropriate the signet of their new rank.
  • in recognition for their services to House and Nation, Attendants will be formally recognized alongside their peers as Federal and Ajnorian citizens, and receive all the benefits therein. Those who have served when called to action will in turn be honored alongside their military cohorts.
  • Members of the House will be presented with their citizenship papers in a formal ceremony when they reach their appropriate rank. This applies to Attendant, Houseguard, and Auxiliary branches.
  • Those in attendance of ceremonies are expected to be in appropriate dress (Formal).


House of Ajnoria Phoenix

Founded in 2095, House Ajnoria was one of the noble houses rising in the wake of Solar unification. From these humble beginnings they rose throughout the Solar Empire and were given claim to one of the areas of space now making up a portion of both the white belt and the Voltker expanse. It was a notoriously fiery, moralistic House whose motto reflected its role, ‘In Vigilans Accipiter’ or, ‘The Watchful Hawk.’ Its cautious approach, tendency towards soft-touch power plays via proxies, political maneuvering and trade earned it ire in the former Solar Empire, who saw them as having a heretical lack of faith in humanity’s destiny.

Contrasting this was its view among non-human powers. While the Empire grew a reputation for forceful expansion and domination, Ajnoria was often the power that ensured more peaceful operations and even ensured that the integration of imperial subjects was as benevolent as possible. To this day, house Ajnoria has allies among the political factions of most non-human powers, even those it is opposed with, and Ajnoria originating charity organizations across the known galaxy are, while not omnipresent, consistent throughout the holdings of the former Solar Empire.

However, Ajnoria’s fortunes fell. The Coalition’s rise meant many of its old political rivals had a perfect opportunity to ‘democratize’ many of its central holdings. It lost its sector of Mars, its holdings on Alpha Centauri and most of its other core-world holdings. Its numerous philanthropic organizations became related only in name and history, and little remained but the promised ‘future’ holdings across the distant belts, a few colonies and house seats. Like many other former Great Houses of the Solar Empire, House Ajnoria became instrumental in populating, uplifting and ensuring modernization and progress in what would later be known as the Federation, and some of the ancient founders of the Coalition see Anya Sayadi Ajnoria’s fingers all over the schism that led to the Federation’s rise. Some even suspect she had this plan since before the Coalition was founded.

A particular note of their more modern history was a shift from the religion that had dominated their solar-cult days, evolving into a spiritual philosophy known as the Noble Path. They believed the solar cult is a relic of the past and while the lady Anya was alive for its rise, she has also seen its failures, idiocy, and little evidence of its effectiveness. No, it is a religion for misleading the peasants on Earth, not for one such as her. What did interest her were the writings of her sixth son, Elwin. Elwin proposed that all of Earth’s religions held a central root origin, and wrote extensive justification of this belief. Moreover in his old age he began implementing some alien religions, notably that of the Lumii faith, and how it too, was derivative of Terran religion, just interpreted by the Visrans during their tumultuous origin. The beliefs of the faith have altered the foundational Solar belief that made up its beginning, and run counter to its conclusions. The faith is incredibly open, but it has some sovereign rules that measure

  • The Soul’s sanctity must be maintained. True cybernetic conversion is a travesty. The follower’s of the noble Path are opposed to brain transference and prefer biological methods of life-extension. This does not make them anti-AI, as many interpret AI as having ‘cybernetic souls’ but they do not believe man should become a machine, or visa versa, as they walk separate paths.
  • Sol is unimportant and the gods of the Solar Cult are simply animistic interpretations of their world. The prophecies and writings were misinterpreted and instead referred to mankind’s central importance to the history of the galaxy.
  • Humanity has a special destiny in the cosmos, their expansion into the stars is unmatched but Humanity’s failure was to expand without measure. The true role of humanity is to guide species to peaceful exaltation and self actualization, so they too can rise in time to the same heights. Forcing Visra to become part of galactic civilization ‘before their time’ was a crime, as were the terrible measures done to shatter the Poliesu and drive them into savagery by the Directorate.
  • The Noble Path is one of gentle kindness, stern self discipline and the will to let others walk their own path, to advise, but never to force.

One of the difficulties of this is mind transference in case of violent death or traumatic incidents. Among those of the house, from their general holdings is an incredible solution. A technology of an Ankit Glass, rather than a traditional mind-transference, the Ankit Glass keeps the consciousness in a continuous, evolving loop, rather than storage or duplication often found in ‘normal’ transhuman preservation. This complex array constantly monitors the brain, and according to its makers, does not ‘copy’ the mind, but ‘transfers’ the soul in an instant, preventing it from experiencing major interruptions. This is attached to a personal assistant, a ‘ALI’ or an Artificial Limited Intelligence, not truly capable of independent thought, but tailored to be a personal friend, assistant, companion and monitor. This ALI begins the mental transference prior to death and safeguards and consoles the trapped spirit, kept in continuous loop until a new body can be composed. This often comes in the form of a drone, a PDA, or occasionally a religious token such as a crucifix or a prayer rope.

  • An ankitglass- named after the shard or gem of ankit glass at its center- is the actual mind-transference device, attached to a drone assistant, PDA, necklace or religious token.
  • Ankit glass, initially referred to as W-3, is a foggy, milky if still colorless substance, though it has a pearlescent sheen in certain lighting, creating prismatic rainbow effects easier than normal glass. It is created from a rare exotic element known as ankit. It is cut and polished into a brilliant gem, and then etched with intricate internal and external patterns via a technique that is a closely guarded secret of the house. The gems are slightly numbing to the touch and seemingly unable to reach temperatures above 23 degrees or below 17 degrees Celsius.
  • It has a wide variety of rumored properties, and traces of it are present in numerous precursor artifacts of uncertain purpose that seem to have no actual applicable effect. It is common for researchers of the house to have an interest in these objects as well as the glass in general. Despite its known application by the house. Research into the glass has become a pastime of House scientists, however very little further applications have been discovered.

The First Ajnorian Charterhouse of Onia

The Charterhouse is located in Residential and the surrounding Federation territories in the Hold district, of which they have nearly complete legal control of.   Their personnel amount to around 3000 guards, servants, secretaries, etc.  This control is as liege lords; managing the land, leasing and owning properties, and controlling the comings and goings of the docks. Additionally, they police and maintain the area and aim to keep the district pleasant but not overbearing.  They are less concerned over enforcing the ‘rule’ as convincing the populace they are valuable .  As such, minor ‘victimless crimes’ are of little interest to the House at large, but broader crimes, such as vigilanteism, assault, murder, rape, extortion etc.  are of their immediate concern.

  • Police the Territory: Enforce general lawfulness, be on guard, patrol the Hold district, don’t let other groups enforce ‘law’ there (though begrudgingly aid and work with the Marshals, despite their illegitimate claim on the planet, they ARE the legal authority, for now.)
  • Protect Others: Aid local businesses in the Hold district, don’t enforce rules.  Ivan’s is owned by Ivan, it is not owned by the Federation and we would claim no control over it.  But we should be friends ready to back it up against threat, to protect its people. They are on our territory and we do protect what is ours. Be a friend to the locals, never an adversary.
  • Hunting: A long tradition of the house is hunting game both deadly or evasive. These are often more ceremonial, and while they may be after a deadly prize animal, they may be a difficult hunt with reduced resources against a less rare beast. A humble wild boar is a dangerous and deadly foe if you fight it with a spear. A wild bull is far more dangerous with javelins and a slaying side sword than with a rifle. But great beasts may require greater weapons. Organizing great hunts to bring a prize with the least deadly weapons possible are matters of pride for the house.
  • Scouting the Wilds: The frontier is a lawless and dangerous place filled with mysteries and threats. Wandering it and ensuring up to date information on the groups that call it home, and the beasts about is not an uncommon duty, and documenting plant species, soil erosion, and other endeavors is valuable to the house. A true noble is a caring steward of nature.
  • Participate in public displays of pageantry and holidays. The House is especially fond of Earth holidays, both religious and secular.
  • Some notable Non-Terran holidays include:
    • Foundation-Day is a holiday celebrated around the winter solstice (December 20-22). It celebrates the foundation of the house on Mars, long ago. Birds and fire dancing are common features to its celebration. Celebrations last three days from dawn till dawn again. Traditions follow the path the house took, beginning with a fast in remembrance of the crimes of the Coalition, followed by a joyous two day feast in honor of the House and Federation
    • The Masquerade; A time for civilians and citizens alike to don masks and conceal their identities, allowing them to mingle and enjoy the company of those they would often not get to enjoy. Dance, accompanied by feast and drink, offers the gravitas nobility and comfort, and the shield of anonymity. This takes place between late September and early October. (Or as Onian crises will permit.)
    • Eleven Days of Laddon were conceived after the end of the Secession war as a celebration of life and culture, and as a means to stimulate population growth after the tremendous losses sustained during the war and revel in the beauty that endured. Regardless of rank or station, the people are encouraged to enjoy open intimacy with those whom they’ve grown close with. The celebration starts August 17th with three days of memorial service, after which the sacrifices of the glorious dead are honored with the celebration of life.

OOC: House members from Onia may have different personal opinions, but the House’s cultural and official standing are along these lines.

Opinions of Other Factions

Summit Resource Group

The corporate-Coalition military force resident on Onia; our most stringent rivals.  While we may abhor their methods, we must never underestimate our foes.  It is not hate that drives the House and SRG to be opposed, it is politics, politics with origins before the organization was founded, and politics whose game will play out long after its members have passed on from age and it is not but a footnote in history.  Treat your opponent with respect, dignity and decorum, but do not forget that they are your enemy.

The OSIRIS Network

Soldiers of fortune, all; smugglers, privateers, edgerunners. While their loyalty can be bought, Ajnoria’s coffers are deep, and while volatile, the leadership of Osiris has greater moral fiber than any Coalition mongrel could hope to achieve.

The Findsmen

Is there any more hubris than a few locals insisting they are better at protecting the galaxy than a government? The Findsmen are mad and will inevitably do untold horrors based upon the whims of their members.  They are of temporary utility but should never be trusted.

Triton Alliance

Triton was offered the open hand of Ajnoria, only to spit squares in our palm. Now they will get only the closed fist, unless they come groveling and begging forgiveness. We do not negotiate with terrorists, traitors, or oathbreakers. We will show them what “Onia first” truly means.

Stag Industries

The Golden Rabbit: Are you really asking our opinion on prostitutes? As long as they know to wait on our needs if we lower ourselves to visit their den of debauchery, we have no particular interest in their being.

Reeves Star Security: The RSS stands as the common people’s shield of order and justice. This makes them (Usually) easy allies, as we all want the same thing. While the RSS has jurisdiction over much of Dusk Light, the Hold and the Frontier are considered sovereign soil. Their laws are beholden only to the strength of arms, and their will to try and enforce it.

Kyoshi/ STARS

Shining examples of capitalist healthcare, you get what you pay for.  It is too bad that they charge the common citizen an arm, a leg, and a kidney for such service.  Second to Ajnoria, STARS possesses some of the most advanced medical equipment on the colony, and have proven in a crisis, to be peerless first responders. We will interact with Kyoshi, as well as encourage more research and collaboration, in regards to genetics and healthcare.

Dandelion Wine

Coalition defectors, pirates and opportunists, they are too distant to be of great utility and have little loyalty to anyone but themselves, but they are also not innately opposed to our interests and holdings.  At the moment their disruption to local politics is useful and they are an arguable asset in the city, however as predators upon trade their future in an Ajnorian Miranmir is in question.  Ideally, they could be given a legal mark of claim as privateers of the House. Fair-weather friends at the worst of times; we abide them so long as they are useful.


Above: Holo-projection of Ajnorian holdings - the Crown Worlds; Onian Keep; 2823

The Arch Duchess rules over five whole systems and 16 livable worlds in Federation space, but most native Household staff and Houseguard would hail from one of its first handful of worlds.

Voltker Minor The name of the star and the planet, Voltker Minor is terraformed to a near-perfect earth-like match. While Laddon may be the home of Ajnoria it is said Voltker Minor is its heart, home of the Houseguard and most of the House's corporate interests and navy. With its 1.4g gravity, it is half-joked that Houseguard native to the planet have Herculean strength. With a quirk of terraforming meaning near-daily rain, it's also joked that it doesn't matter much underwater.
Laddon A small garden world, terraformed to be lush and beautiful from pole to pole. Colonized soon after discovery of the Voltker Zone, it became the home of the Arch Duchess. To live along the shores of its crater lakes is to know the full luxury of the 29th century. With all heavy industry offworld, much of the planet is the personal domain of the noble family (with a sizable amount of the Household manpower based there), but its cities are home to the upper crust of Ajnorian and Federation society, and its space guarded by the Duchess's fleet.
Zeftarjet An arid planet that any Rokhandan would feel at home on, its cities group around oasies and meager coastlines. Bleached coral blankets its seas hinting at some distant catastrophe, while the salinity of its crystal-clear oceans makes for excellent swimming. That, coupled with the rich purple of its night sky from the nearby Basten nebula, made Zeftarjet a popular vacation destination before the war.
Intentia A rare habitable planet around a red dwarf with a large, growing colony. While the temperature is pleasant year-round, the orange sky and black fungal flora can be an acquired taste, especially with a 45 hour day. While most industry on the planet and its two moons is tuned to expanding itself, mushrooms from its vast farmlands are eaten across Federation space.
Rodya's Hammer Believed to be an ancient, failed terraformed planet, and relegated to little more than a world to train Houseguard and home of a traditional hunt of the noble family. Between its cryptic rock formations, humid jungles that rise up into airless peaks higher than Olympus Mons, to its vicious fauna and flora both, it is too unforgiving and strange for all but the hardiest settlers.
"This.  This is where men are truly forged."  - Lord Marshal Rodya Andreevna
Met, Vester, Obdikar, Whimvana Major colony worlds with little to note. Whether supply outposts along the jump routes or colonies supporting resource extraction, life here is uneventful.