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On paper and by reputation the Sovereign Federation of Free Worlds, colloquially known as  Federation is a military dictatorship on all the planets it has control over. The Supreme Commander has final say on everything from where buildings are placed to how people may behave, though often they will delegate these responsibilities to lesser officers and generals.
The Sovereign Federation of Free Worlds, informally the Federation, is a loose alliance of militarily aligned worlds and member-nations generally aligned towards opposition of the [[Galactic Coalition]]’s ideals and perceived expansionism. Established in 2809 after years of civil unrest which culminated in [[The Secession War]], the Federation exists more as a power bloc to deter the Coalition than any individual cohesive government. Despite the White Belt Armistice in 2815, the Federation remains unrecognized by the Coalition as no formal peace treaty has been signed between the powers. Relations with other powers, such as the [[Rokhandan Directorate]], are beginning to improve with time.
What often isn’t addressed by those outside of the Federation, partly due to propaganda from the Coalition, is that these planets are what would be considered among other nations to be dedicated military posts. The only planets truly under control of the Federation directly are these worlds. The soldiers, engineers, and scientists who live there however are never natives of those worlds. They all arrive from the dozens of independent worlds who rely on the Federation to maintain their sovereign status.

On those worlds cultures vary, governments can be found in all shapes and forms, and species are of all breeds. The only thing which unites them is a desire to remain this way, and the dues they pay to uphold peace.
The three dominant species of the Federation, Humans, Caera, and Hexians, represent three unique and differing cultures which often conflict; in actuality, despite propaganda to the contrary, often the only unifying factor among Federation worlds is a distrust of the Coalition.

The Federation has a civilian government on paper, at least, with member worlds elected to the Federation Duma every five years. In actuality though, the Federation itself is a military junta in all but name. Most citizens of member worlds, however, barely notice this as the actual control the Federation has over their day-to-day lives is minimal in most cases, as the Federation’s founding articles grant the government very limited powers over matters other than foreign relations and defense.

The government of the Federation is by definition a Stratocracy. All positions within the government are held by military officers and the leadership consists of a Supreme Commander with a security council of admirals from the various systems under Federation protection beneath them.
=== '''Independent Member Worlds''' ===
Approximately 80% of the Federation’s territory consists of independent member worlds who, in and of themselves, have a lot more autonomy than equivalent member worlds of the [[Galactic Coalition]]. Promised independence by the early Volkter rebellion to join the cause, these governments retain ad-hoc independence in all areas of government except foreign policy and military operations. They are expected to contribute a set percentage, usually 3-5%, of gross domestic product to the Federation military, but beyond that are, usually, left to their own devices.

Every 5 years an assembly of representatives from every system and planet under the Federation meets and makes a decision over who shall command the combined forces. Thus far however they have always made the decision to retain the current commander and some have begun to send their votes in for his continuation of power without debate. During this assembly the Supreme Commander will also give an address and speak on the state of affairs.
The Federation selects a Duma, or Parliament, out of these member worlds to represent their wishes before the Federation High Command, though the Duma’s real authority is at times dubious in the face of the Federation’s military establishment. Still, the High Command recognizes mass revolts on these worlds if promises of independence were broken isn’t worth the trouble and as such at least publicly keeps their promise of independence.
Below this level the Federation is organized much like any other military. Each fortress world under Federation control is treated like its own base. It is here that the real politics are played, deals made and secrets shared to ensure that soldiers proud of their homeworlds are allowed to rise in the ranks. At the peak they may even gain command of a world, a position which would secure the safety of their world should a new war break out.

It is not uncommon for these systems to have their own rivalries, some bitter to the point of conflict, with the occasional noted territorial dispute between Federation worlds. Such is inevitable in such a young government. The Duma is officially tasked with sorting these disputes, but in actuality it is not uncommon for the High Command to step in militarily to resolve a border dispute between member worlds if there’s fear it’ll challenge the public image of unity and cohesion among Federation members.

Due to its unique nature the Federation is not one singular culture but rather a collection of cultures working together to survive. The majority is Human, however there are large populations of Caera, Hexians, and numerous other minor species who were originally subjugated beneath the Coalition.
=== '''Military Districts''' ===
A select few worlds around [[Voltker Prime]], and other key border systems, are controlled by the Federal government itself. Within these zones, called Military Districts, the Federation High Command has near absolute control over all affairs of life, civilian and military, though it typically appoints Military Governors over these planets to oversee day to day administration. Most civilians accept the status quo in this area as part of the Federation constantly being on a war footing, though resistance movements do exist. The legislative Duma has limited to no authority over Military Districts, and the will of the High Command is ultimately law.

===Former Human Colonies===
=== '''Solar Nobility''' ===
See the [[Solar Nobility]] page for more info

''See the [[Voltker Prime]] page for more info''
In stark contrast to the nobility within the Coalition, the nobility houses play a far more overt role in the politics and defense of the Federation. Federal nobility consists of twelve houses, each one a large, monolithic entity controlling various sizes of fleets, armies, corporations, planets, and sometimes even systems. These houses represent a significant chunk of Federal military power, and as such, frequently see themselves as not beholden to Federal laws; this is a hotly debated subject in the Duma, and is addressed at some point during nearly every assembly session.

Making up the majority of the Federation worlds, the human worlds that were once solidly part of the Coalition are often treated as the face of the Federation by those outside of it. The slavic cultures that are common across these worlds have become somewhat of a stereotype. Cyrillic and a descendant of Russian remains a common language throughout these harsh worlds.
The Federation is a melting pot of various species working together against what is perceived as a greater threat. Culture, the rights of citizens, and levels of individual prosperity vary greatly between member worlds and species.
Most of the planets are of the harsher to be found in this region of space, mining operations, large scale agricultural projects and factory worlds a common sight. As a result the people there are hardier than most, creating what is the closest the Federation has to a unified culture between worlds.

The bulk of these worlds can be found on the edge of Federation space, serving as a bulwark against invasion, more and more systems being offered as Fortresses each year to create an Iron Wall against the Coalition.
=== Former Human Colonies ===
See the [[Voltker Prime]] page for more info

Making up the majority of the Federation worlds, the human worlds that were once solidly part of the Coalition are often treated as the face of the Federation by those outside of it. The original colonists of these worlds were those from rough and rowdy sectors of life back home; prisoners, convicts, those looking for a better life. As such, a reputation quickly formed of ‘rough and rowdy’ colonists that persists to this day. Most of the planets are some of the harshest to be found in this region of space. Mining operations, large scale agricultural projects and factory worlds are a common sight, and as a result, the people there are hardier than most, creating what is the closest the Federation has to a unified culture between worlds.

‘’See the [[Tal-Sheed]] page for more info’’
The bulk of these worlds can be found on the edge of Federation space, serving as a bulwark against invasion, more and more systems being offered as Fortresses each year to create an Iron Wall against the Coalition.

The various clans of the Caera maintain a strong representation within the Federation. Their focus on improving and perfecting both themselves and their race as a whole has proven quite the asset to the fledgling empire. Their soldiers find their way into special operations more often than not and their engineers, especially those of the Illuminated Path, make their mark on the defenses of the fortress worlds that protect the frontier realm from potential attacks.
=== Caera ===
See the [[Tal-Sheed]] page for more info

The various clans of the Caera maintain a strong representation within the Federation. Their focus on improving and perfecting both themselves and their race as a whole has proven quite the asset to the fledgling empire. Their soldiers find their way into special operations units more often than not, and their engineers, especially those of the Illuminated Path, make their mark on the defenses of the fortress worlds that protect the frontier realm from potential attacks.

‘’See the [[Vaeus]] page for more info’’
=== Hexian ===
See the [[Vaeus]] page for more info

The Imperial Vae’Hex Dominion makes up one of the more extreme cultures found within the Federation and likely the one most excited to do away with Coalition control. Amongst Federation members they above all others take on the stance of self governance with a strong territoriality, defending their government and genetic laws aggressively. While they continue to donate towards the cause of protection and independence that the Federation touts they rarely call on it for aid. As such their culture is far more isolated from the rest of the Voltker Zone
The Imperial Vae’Hex Dominion makes up one of the more extreme cultures found within the Federation and likely the one most excited to do away with Coalition control. Amongst Federation members they above all others take on the stance of self governance with a strong territoriality, defending their government and genetic laws aggressively. While they continue to donate towards the cause of protection and independence that the Federation touts, they rarely call on it for aid. As such their culture is far more isolated from the rest of the Voltker Zone.

<blockquote>''“The Feddie Fleet may function like shit, but when their reinforcements keep dropping out of FTL an hour into the battle, well, you throw enough shit at the wall and some of it’s bound to stick.”''

The military of the Federation operates largely off of planets that have been transformed into fortresses for the singular purpose of defending against invasions, originally these were built by the Coalition to defend against unknown threats from space but now they make for excellent platforms to defend against the Coalition itself. Due to the Secession War many of its soldiers are veterans and overall the land based forces, collectively known as the Mezmarines, are considered to be the most well trained in the galaxy.
''-Anonymous Coalition Navy Admiral, 2810''</blockquote>The Federation itself has a unified military command, centered on the Supreme Commander of the Federation’s Armed Forces, who has virtually unchecked authority in the realm of national defense. The Federation is, however, dependent on military contributions from its member states to maintain a fighting force. In almost all Federation member states, military service is seen as honorable and productive; many still have conscription laws requiring service for several years. The Federation still sees itself as the underdog in event of any renewed hostilities with the Coalition, and as such places high priority on military expenditure and civil defense funding. Almost all frontier worlds and major population centers spend billions on fallout shelter networks and civil defense measures in preparation for renewed hostilities. Monthly attack drills are not uncommon even as deep into the Federation as Volkter Prime. This state of constant war preparation has an overall effect on the civilian population, with support for the military near unwavering.

These worlds form a figurative wall of defenses known as the Helix Array, named for the Helix Nebula that marks entrance to the Voltker Zone. Each planet is fitted with troops and vehicles to hold off an invasion long enough for the other worlds to send aid and repel nearly any attack.
Differing languages, command structures, and tactics are rampant among the varying member militaries, which comprise about 80% of the Federation’s military; only 20% are units directly formed and under the banner of the Federation itself, primarily Federal Guard units that report directly to the High Command. For example, the 97th Vaeus Rifle Division may answer to Federation Command, but it is a Hexian unit under a Hexian banner with Hexian officers. A lack of integrated units has led to instances of insubordination and accusations, the most common of which being that Federation Command prefers to elevate humans to positions within the command structure over other species. Post-war, an attempt was made to normalize integrated units in hopes of improving efficiency and quelling these rumors, but it paradoxically received severe pushback from all of the other member races who viewed it as a means of solidifying human hegemony within the military, leading to the initiative quietly dying away in favor of the status quo.

The secondary part of the military is the Federation Flotilla, a mixed fleet of formerly Coalition ships as well as a number of craft of unique design from the independant worlds under Federation protection. Due to the sheer defensive might of the Helix Array the main mission of this fleet is to patrol the outer edges of Federation space to the north and west, ensuring no attacks come from the unknown.
The Federal Fleet originally consisted primarily of defecting Coalition vessels and second-tier ships transferred to Voltker prior to the outbreak of the war, but time and attrition took their toll on these forces, and the shipyards of the member worlds had to scramble to ramp production up to a viable level. Initially, this consisted of haphazardly arming commandeered civilian vessels to be used as auxiliary ships, but within a year of the war’s outbreak, standardized designs were issued to every shipyard capable of constructing them, and the Fleet began to develop its own personality and doctrines.
The third force within the Federation is the Merzital, a group of special forces that operate directly under the control of the Supreme Commander. Only called on for the most important of missions and receiving the best equipment a hundred worlds can provide. The Merzital is treated by most as a sort of Boogeyman, blamed or any assassination or plot to destabilize a world that hasn’t been contributing its fair share to the Federation.
Of recent note is that the position of Supreme Commander presently remains vacant following a palace coup attempt several years ago; whether a suitable person just hasn’t yet been appointed, or that the position is being intentionally left unfilled, is a popular topic of speculation.


Due to the nature of the original colonization efforts in this region of space many of the worlds in the Federation were built to be specialized zones of production supported by supplies from Coalition space. Following the Secession War these worlds have had to make quick adjustments and coordinate with allies to ensure survival. Many faced famine as once vital food shipments came to a halt.
The Federation’s economy is a fledgling one, having been established primarily out of distinct, former Coalition colonies made to harvest a specific planet’s natural resources. This left the Federation with a comparative lack of industrialization at the time of the outbreak of the Secession War. The Federation High Command quickly switched the entire state’s economy into a centrally planned economy focusing on military production. This quickly industrialized many sectors, particularly W-1 production as the Federation was discovered to have large stockpiles, however the Federation continues to lag behind the Coalition in sectors like large ship construction to this day.
However, as the Federation began to reestablish trade lines after the war this would only strengthen the bonds forged in war. Many worlds formed trade alliances between one another until a true independence of resources can be held. After years now the Federation has begun to reap the near limitless resources of the Voltker Zone, with many believing that within another 10 years they may be able to surpass the Coalition.
Today the economy continues to be, if not centrally planned, centrally directed. Military based industry is always prioritized, with civilian goods being a close second to keep the population sated. Government spending to this degree practically holds up the fledgling economy of the Federation while it rebuilds its civilian sectors.


In terms of technology the Federation worlds often find themselves behind the rest of the galaxy, largely due to the number of uplifted races and industrial worlds without a longstanding tradition of education. Many of their more advanced ships are either gifts from allies or ships stolen from enemies at the start of the Succession War.
With the notable exception of assistance provided by the Stygian Automata Ascendency to complete the ''FFS Fioletovyy'', the Federation’s technological level largely remains at the pre-war level of the Coalition. While the Coalition was able to manage a balanced advance of both military and civilian technologies during the war years with its megacorporations picking up the slack, the Federation did not have this luxury, and thus any technological development outside of warfighting stagnated. As well, AI production remains critically lacking due to insufficient facilities capable of producing them to the same standard, sometimes leading to AI cores being repurposed several times over the course of their useful lifespans.
Since gaining independence however the Federation has slowly begun to create labs and form research teams with the hope of cutting that gap. Several worlds have jumped at the opportunity to demonstrate their capability for the sciences where before they were often overlooked by the Coalition in favor of Earthborne Scientists.
Favoring less expensive projectile-based weaponry and physical armor, newly built Federation ships tend to be larger, bulkier, and less efficient than their Coalition counterparts. The Federation Navy remedied this, albeit temporarily, with increased production numbers, but by the war’s end, the crew requirements were beginning to take a noticeable toll on the populations of the member worlds.
Following the trend of cost cutting, Federation infantry equipment and fighting vehicles are of a more simple and straightforward design than their Coalition equivalents. Projectile-based weapons and easily printed alloy armor panels that can be readily replaced feature heavily. Atmospheric uniforms tend to be loose clothing under the aforementioned armor plates, and environment outfits tend to be utilitarian hardsuits.
== Lost Colonies ==
There has been a concentrated push post-war to reestablish contact and trade routes with colony planets and systems isolated by the Shattering, but due to the beleaguered state of the Federation Fleet, the process has been slow and tedious.
Most often, colonies are found in a deteriorated but redeemable state, and significant resources are directed towards these endeavors. Some have retained a garrison flotilla of obsolescent warships that have been gratefully commandeered by the Federation to add numbers to the fleet until modern vessels can be rolled out.
A number of colonies have been found dead; victims of terraforming processes that were interrupted too early in their work without the interplanetary support system required to see the process through. Always a somber encounter for the exploratory vessel crews, these planets are marked for future redevelopment and filed away, their failures covered up by government-controlled media outlets to prevent morale loss.
Very occasionally, colonies have flourished despite their isolation, though these present challenges of their own. While a propaganda boon displaying the resolve and determination of Federation citizens, in reality, the planets have often developed different ideals and values, and their readmittance to the fold is begrudging and volatile.

Revision as of 19:19, 21 September 2023

Human Lore Pages
Species Lore Pages Humanity | Court of Sol
Planet and System Pages SolEarth · Mars | VoltkerVoltker Prime | MiranmirOnia
Governments and Organizations Pages Galactic CoalitionCoalition Holdings | The FederationFederation Holdings | White Belt Administration

The Federation
Empire Info
Capital Coronet City
Leader Position Awaiting Successor
Government Type Federation
Dominant Species Human, Caera, Hexian
Population 70.1 Bil.
Anthem The Federal Future
Color Scheme Red and Green


The Sovereign Federation of Free Worlds, informally the Federation, is a loose alliance of militarily aligned worlds and member-nations generally aligned towards opposition of the Galactic Coalition’s ideals and perceived expansionism. Established in 2809 after years of civil unrest which culminated in The Secession War, the Federation exists more as a power bloc to deter the Coalition than any individual cohesive government. Despite the White Belt Armistice in 2815, the Federation remains unrecognized by the Coalition as no formal peace treaty has been signed between the powers. Relations with other powers, such as the Rokhandan Directorate, are beginning to improve with time.

The three dominant species of the Federation, Humans, Caera, and Hexians, represent three unique and differing cultures which often conflict; in actuality, despite propaganda to the contrary, often the only unifying factor among Federation worlds is a distrust of the Coalition.


The Federation has a civilian government on paper, at least, with member worlds elected to the Federation Duma every five years. In actuality though, the Federation itself is a military junta in all but name. Most citizens of member worlds, however, barely notice this as the actual control the Federation has over their day-to-day lives is minimal in most cases, as the Federation’s founding articles grant the government very limited powers over matters other than foreign relations and defense.

Independent Member Worlds

Approximately 80% of the Federation’s territory consists of independent member worlds who, in and of themselves, have a lot more autonomy than equivalent member worlds of the Galactic Coalition. Promised independence by the early Volkter rebellion to join the cause, these governments retain ad-hoc independence in all areas of government except foreign policy and military operations. They are expected to contribute a set percentage, usually 3-5%, of gross domestic product to the Federation military, but beyond that are, usually, left to their own devices.

The Federation selects a Duma, or Parliament, out of these member worlds to represent their wishes before the Federation High Command, though the Duma’s real authority is at times dubious in the face of the Federation’s military establishment. Still, the High Command recognizes mass revolts on these worlds if promises of independence were broken isn’t worth the trouble and as such at least publicly keeps their promise of independence.

It is not uncommon for these systems to have their own rivalries, some bitter to the point of conflict, with the occasional noted territorial dispute between Federation worlds. Such is inevitable in such a young government. The Duma is officially tasked with sorting these disputes, but in actuality it is not uncommon for the High Command to step in militarily to resolve a border dispute between member worlds if there’s fear it’ll challenge the public image of unity and cohesion among Federation members.

Military Districts

A select few worlds around Voltker Prime, and other key border systems, are controlled by the Federal government itself. Within these zones, called Military Districts, the Federation High Command has near absolute control over all affairs of life, civilian and military, though it typically appoints Military Governors over these planets to oversee day to day administration. Most civilians accept the status quo in this area as part of the Federation constantly being on a war footing, though resistance movements do exist. The legislative Duma has limited to no authority over Military Districts, and the will of the High Command is ultimately law.

Solar Nobility

See the Solar Nobility page for more info

In stark contrast to the nobility within the Coalition, the nobility houses play a far more overt role in the politics and defense of the Federation. Federal nobility consists of twelve houses, each one a large, monolithic entity controlling various sizes of fleets, armies, corporations, planets, and sometimes even systems. These houses represent a significant chunk of Federal military power, and as such, frequently see themselves as not beholden to Federal laws; this is a hotly debated subject in the Duma, and is addressed at some point during nearly every assembly session.


The Federation is a melting pot of various species working together against what is perceived as a greater threat. Culture, the rights of citizens, and levels of individual prosperity vary greatly between member worlds and species.

Former Human Colonies

See the Voltker Prime page for more info

Making up the majority of the Federation worlds, the human worlds that were once solidly part of the Coalition are often treated as the face of the Federation by those outside of it. The original colonists of these worlds were those from rough and rowdy sectors of life back home; prisoners, convicts, those looking for a better life. As such, a reputation quickly formed of ‘rough and rowdy’ colonists that persists to this day. Most of the planets are some of the harshest to be found in this region of space. Mining operations, large scale agricultural projects and factory worlds are a common sight, and as a result, the people there are hardier than most, creating what is the closest the Federation has to a unified culture between worlds.

The bulk of these worlds can be found on the edge of Federation space, serving as a bulwark against invasion, more and more systems being offered as Fortresses each year to create an Iron Wall against the Coalition.


See the Tal-Sheed page for more info

The various clans of the Caera maintain a strong representation within the Federation. Their focus on improving and perfecting both themselves and their race as a whole has proven quite the asset to the fledgling empire. Their soldiers find their way into special operations units more often than not, and their engineers, especially those of the Illuminated Path, make their mark on the defenses of the fortress worlds that protect the frontier realm from potential attacks.


See the Vaeus page for more info

The Imperial Vae’Hex Dominion makes up one of the more extreme cultures found within the Federation and likely the one most excited to do away with Coalition control. Amongst Federation members they above all others take on the stance of self governance with a strong territoriality, defending their government and genetic laws aggressively. While they continue to donate towards the cause of protection and independence that the Federation touts, they rarely call on it for aid. As such their culture is far more isolated from the rest of the Voltker Zone.


“The Feddie Fleet may function like shit, but when their reinforcements keep dropping out of FTL an hour into the battle, well, you throw enough shit at the wall and some of it’s bound to stick.” -Anonymous Coalition Navy Admiral, 2810

The Federation itself has a unified military command, centered on the Supreme Commander of the Federation’s Armed Forces, who has virtually unchecked authority in the realm of national defense. The Federation is, however, dependent on military contributions from its member states to maintain a fighting force. In almost all Federation member states, military service is seen as honorable and productive; many still have conscription laws requiring service for several years. The Federation still sees itself as the underdog in event of any renewed hostilities with the Coalition, and as such places high priority on military expenditure and civil defense funding. Almost all frontier worlds and major population centers spend billions on fallout shelter networks and civil defense measures in preparation for renewed hostilities. Monthly attack drills are not uncommon even as deep into the Federation as Volkter Prime. This state of constant war preparation has an overall effect on the civilian population, with support for the military near unwavering.

Differing languages, command structures, and tactics are rampant among the varying member militaries, which comprise about 80% of the Federation’s military; only 20% are units directly formed and under the banner of the Federation itself, primarily Federal Guard units that report directly to the High Command. For example, the 97th Vaeus Rifle Division may answer to Federation Command, but it is a Hexian unit under a Hexian banner with Hexian officers. A lack of integrated units has led to instances of insubordination and accusations, the most common of which being that Federation Command prefers to elevate humans to positions within the command structure over other species. Post-war, an attempt was made to normalize integrated units in hopes of improving efficiency and quelling these rumors, but it paradoxically received severe pushback from all of the other member races who viewed it as a means of solidifying human hegemony within the military, leading to the initiative quietly dying away in favor of the status quo.

The Federal Fleet originally consisted primarily of defecting Coalition vessels and second-tier ships transferred to Voltker prior to the outbreak of the war, but time and attrition took their toll on these forces, and the shipyards of the member worlds had to scramble to ramp production up to a viable level. Initially, this consisted of haphazardly arming commandeered civilian vessels to be used as auxiliary ships, but within a year of the war’s outbreak, standardized designs were issued to every shipyard capable of constructing them, and the Fleet began to develop its own personality and doctrines.

Of recent note is that the position of Supreme Commander presently remains vacant following a palace coup attempt several years ago; whether a suitable person just hasn’t yet been appointed, or that the position is being intentionally left unfilled, is a popular topic of speculation.


The Federation’s economy is a fledgling one, having been established primarily out of distinct, former Coalition colonies made to harvest a specific planet’s natural resources. This left the Federation with a comparative lack of industrialization at the time of the outbreak of the Secession War. The Federation High Command quickly switched the entire state’s economy into a centrally planned economy focusing on military production. This quickly industrialized many sectors, particularly W-1 production as the Federation was discovered to have large stockpiles, however the Federation continues to lag behind the Coalition in sectors like large ship construction to this day.

Today the economy continues to be, if not centrally planned, centrally directed. Military based industry is always prioritized, with civilian goods being a close second to keep the population sated. Government spending to this degree practically holds up the fledgling economy of the Federation while it rebuilds its civilian sectors.


With the notable exception of assistance provided by the Stygian Automata Ascendency to complete the FFS Fioletovyy, the Federation’s technological level largely remains at the pre-war level of the Coalition. While the Coalition was able to manage a balanced advance of both military and civilian technologies during the war years with its megacorporations picking up the slack, the Federation did not have this luxury, and thus any technological development outside of warfighting stagnated. As well, AI production remains critically lacking due to insufficient facilities capable of producing them to the same standard, sometimes leading to AI cores being repurposed several times over the course of their useful lifespans.

Favoring less expensive projectile-based weaponry and physical armor, newly built Federation ships tend to be larger, bulkier, and less efficient than their Coalition counterparts. The Federation Navy remedied this, albeit temporarily, with increased production numbers, but by the war’s end, the crew requirements were beginning to take a noticeable toll on the populations of the member worlds.

Following the trend of cost cutting, Federation infantry equipment and fighting vehicles are of a more simple and straightforward design than their Coalition equivalents. Projectile-based weapons and easily printed alloy armor panels that can be readily replaced feature heavily. Atmospheric uniforms tend to be loose clothing under the aforementioned armor plates, and environment outfits tend to be utilitarian hardsuits.

Lost Colonies

There has been a concentrated push post-war to reestablish contact and trade routes with colony planets and systems isolated by the Shattering, but due to the beleaguered state of the Federation Fleet, the process has been slow and tedious.

Most often, colonies are found in a deteriorated but redeemable state, and significant resources are directed towards these endeavors. Some have retained a garrison flotilla of obsolescent warships that have been gratefully commandeered by the Federation to add numbers to the fleet until modern vessels can be rolled out.

A number of colonies have been found dead; victims of terraforming processes that were interrupted too early in their work without the interplanetary support system required to see the process through. Always a somber encounter for the exploratory vessel crews, these planets are marked for future redevelopment and filed away, their failures covered up by government-controlled media outlets to prevent morale loss.

Very occasionally, colonies have flourished despite their isolation, though these present challenges of their own. While a propaganda boon displaying the resolve and determination of Federation citizens, in reality, the planets have often developed different ideals and values, and their readmittance to the fold is begrudging and volatile.