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Lore Overview

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Universe at Large

The current year is 2819, common calendar. The sovereign empires of the galaxy at large stretch their tendrils towards the black abyss of space. It has been 16 years since the largest empire, the human Galactic Coalition fissured in two and the Succession War began, lasting a year and resulting the the sovereignty of the Federatsiya Feniksa and the creation of the White Belt, a demilitarized zone zone between the two. In the final days of the war, the Federatsiya Feniksa attempted to fire FFS-Fialetivyy, a super weapon designed to harness the largest W-1 power the galaxy had yet seen, causing an energy cascade that had effects throughout the universe. Its failed firing lead to the fragile peace we see today.

Now the galaxy find itself in the midst of a cold war, fought between government parties and corporations. The smaller empires finding themselves caught between choosing a side or playing both.


Onia's colonization was swift after the Galactic Coalition's probes found its terrain rich with W-1 and several other vital mineral deposits. During the Succession War it remained under Galactic control, however its remote location meant mobilizing fleets and forces to help defend its garrisons proved difficult, After the war ended it fell under the White Belt Administrations control, where it remains today.

After the devastation wrought on the planet from the war along with the White Belt no longer assigning resources to its expansion and colonization the planet suffered, mass migration from the surface left its colonies either abandoned or sparsely populated.

Dusklight Station

Situated above the surface, with the atmosphere of Onia, is Dusklight Station. Built as a landing area for incoming colonists from the primary hub of RIM-1, a large colonization ship in orbit, it stands as a vital connecting point between space and the planet below.

The law is handled by the Dusklight Sheriff's Department.

Venmire Canyon

Below Dusklight lays the Venmire Canyon, a route between two of the now (mostly) abandoned colonial projects. It now lays in a dilapidated state, scarred by banditry and rips in the fabric of space.

Currently the Dusklight Sheriff's Department is technically in charge of policing the area, however it rarely sends out patrols. The main source of any kind of law and order comes in the form of the Order of the Fireflies. The Piston Pushers are known to roam the area, along with reports of strange sightings of hooded figures.