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</image> <label>Capital</label> <label>Primary Race</label> <label>Government</label> </infobox>


The planet of Onia is located on the White Belt, one of the larger populated planets on the outer systems. Its remote location makes it somewhat more difficult to travel to and from. Rich mineral deposits and natural resources however made it a natural colony.

Its first major colonization effort began under the Galactic Coalition who sought to harvest more resources for their growing empire. During the Succession War it remained under Galactic control, however its remote location meant mobilizing fleets and forces to help defend its garrisons proved difficult. Its fuel resources were sought after by the Federatsiya which lead to raids and bombings on its local populace. After the war ended it fell under the White Belt Administrations control, however local some of the local populace from the time still hold a grudge against the Federatsiya.


Onias planet face stands with a variety of biomes within its Biosphere. Although not as large or a deep as the earths, oceans occupy 50% of the planets surface.

  • 32% deserts and arid mesas.
  • 25% Grasslands and Temperate Regions
  • 10% Mountainous Regions
  • 10% Savannah
  • 7% Jungle/Rainforest
  • 6% Boreal Forests
  • 5% Tundra
  • 3% Cities
  • 2% Scrub


Onia is controller by the White Belt Administration which holds only local authority elections, the elected representatives report directly to the Administration. The elected representatives put forward chosen candidates for county administrators and they must get approval from the administration to receive their post.

Being a member of the White Belt gives Onia access to trade agreements with empires as well as travel and migration treaties, and vice versa.


Onias population is highly varied, with open travel to most empires in the universe it opened itself to immigration from almost every species in the galaxy. This openness greatly helped over the years as the planet has seen rapid growth. Job opportunity in many of the rising colonies on the planet drew new faces from far and wide.

Its remote location made its citizens develop a separate cultural identity from the Galactic Coalition, and the locals view the White Belt Administration as a necessity to separate the major factions from fighting again, rather than something they would willing want to participate in otherwise.


The planets natural resources vary and the following can be found on and within the planet

  • Chromium deposits, used by local and galactic shipbuilding
  • Oil Deposits, although somewhat antiquated some smaller vehicles still use oil
  • Wood, with many remote colonies on other planets lacking any plant life wood would be considered a luxury for some
  • Oxygen, the planets natural production of oxygen can be harnessed for use both in space travel and on non-terraformed colonial worlds
  • W-1, Onias most valuable resource, used in ship fuel
  • Dark Matter, small deposits can be found