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The trident of the grand tide


The Grand Tide is a Galactic empire, home of the Poliesu and the Capital Planet of Ayuni-Ji serving as its seat over power. The Grand Tide itself is made up of 5 cliques, lead by families. The cliques have had a long history of infighting, intrigue and open warfare however the empire has experienced a relative period of peace, at least by their standards over the past generations allowing of intergalactic expansion, the formation of trade and technological advancement.

Galactic History

The Ocean faring amphibious Poliesu race emerged from the vast oceans of their home and into a turbulent history. Territorial and prone to war tribes form into federations which formed into the cliques over the years. One advantage to the war filled history was the technological kick start that pushed forward leading to a space race between the various cliques. Knowledge of W-1 based space travel spread and soon the Poliesu began claiming stars and planets in the name of their people.


The Grand tides population amongst its seas is mainly comprised of a mix of Poliesu and aquatic Vatborne. The continents are slightly more diverse however the Poliesu are the race majore.

While life can be rough on the Tide's planets, their natural riches have ensure that they are not untouched by outside influences such as corporations and immigration.


The Grand Tide itself has no standing military, however each clique has its own fleet to protect its interests. While during peacetime they act independently from one another, under wartime threat they are to converge into one mass fleet.

The fleets from Largest to Smallest:

Utimar 1st
Anyunian 1st Pack
Niyan Orbit Force
Xi Flotilla
Omayan Orbital Patrol


Lead by 5 cliques the Grand Tide could be seen as some to be a collation of parties, which at current are at peace but given their history something as small as territorial claims could set them against each other in a civil war once again. Local governments under the banners of the cliques help govern the Tides lands and planets.

The Grand Tide has a unified agreement to ban on AI on any planet under their control, viewing AI's as a possible source of insurrection or "discord" within their system's.

Despite the discord amogst the cliques there is an agreement to defend the entire empire from outside aggression, a pact that details mutual defenses along with a clause that if attack by outsiders all ongoing wars are declared null until the threat has been remove.