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The Lumii are a feline like race indigenous to the planet Visra. Harsh snowy conditions gave hard lives to the previous generations of Lumii, however now with the arrival of intergalactic travel they are ready to take to the universal stage. Hardy and stoic the Lumii are no strangers to adversity, most habitable planets seeming like vacation homes compared to the cradle of their species.


The Lumii appear to have feline facial features and sport a thick full body coat of fur, good for protection from the elements. Bipedal and mammalian, they can come in a variety of natural fur colors, along with some usual shades of light blue, an evolution gained in the colder climates of their home. Pure black Lumii can be seen hailing from what counts as their warmer climates.

Galactic Opinion

The Lumii are generally seen to be stoic and somewhat grumpy as their older generation still clings to the old ways, however a new younger generation with access to intergalactic travel and a new set of advanced technology have found themselves with much greater opportunities than their forefathers had access to. As a result the galaxy is seeing a more open, younger outgoing race than when they first took to the stars.



Style Guide

Please see the Appearance Guide for non-race specific guidance and rules.

The Lumii should be using a feline head such as the Paws Feline, or another style of head that fits a feline appearance (such as the SKNK Skunk head). They should sport cat ears along with an optional tail. Fur colors include natural cat fur tones such as brown, black, whites as well as hues of lighter blues to reflect their home of colder temperatures. Also allowed are more exotic patterns such as leopard or cheetah patterns however these would be considered rare occurrences by Lumii standard. This also applies to unnatural colors such as reds, purples ect. that while not impossible they would be very rare, or they may be dyed to this color.

Race Rules