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[[File:Federation.png|thumb|The Federations Crest]]

The Federatsiya Feniksa, colloquially known as the Federation, is a collection of colonies spread across a wide array of planets that won their freedom from the Galactic Coalition after a coordinated revolt. Federation space is much more difficult to navigate as a result, owing to the distance between colonized worlds and the spaced colonization pattern the Coalition had adopted at the time. After the Succession War and the fragile peace that followed, the new empire went through a period of strife and internal fighting as it struggled to define its place in the galaxy and began rebuilding.
The Federatsiya Feniksa, colloquially known as the Federation, is a collection of colonies spread across a wide array of planets that won their freedom from the Galactic Coalition after a coordinated revolt. Federation space is much more difficult to navigate as a result, owing to the distance between colonized worlds and the spaced colonization pattern the Coalition had adopted at the time. After the Succession War and the fragile peace that followed, the new empire went through a period of strife and internal fighting as it struggled to define its place in the galaxy and began rebuilding.
[[File:Federation.png|thumb|The Federation's Crest]]


'''Capital:''' [[Voltker Prime]], Coronet City
'''Capital:''' [[Voltker Prime]], Coronet City

Revision as of 10:13, 23 April 2020


The Federatsiya Feniksa, colloquially known as the Federation, is a collection of colonies spread across a wide array of planets that won their freedom from the Galactic Coalition after a coordinated revolt. Federation space is much more difficult to navigate as a result, owing to the distance between colonized worlds and the spaced colonization pattern the Coalition had adopted at the time. After the Succession War and the fragile peace that followed, the new empire went through a period of strife and internal fighting as it struggled to define its place in the galaxy and began rebuilding.

The Federation's Crest


Capital: Voltker Prime, Coronet City

Leader: Commander Quentin Corwin

Demonym: Federalist, Feniskan

Official Language(s): None

Population: 70.1 billion

The Succession War

The Galactic Coalition's aggressive expansion resulted in poor living conditions and harsh treatment for many of its colonists, who were unable to keep pace with the Coalition's rapidly advancing borders. With hundreds of light years between the average citizen and their previous ties in Sol and a faulty, hastily cobbled together intergalactic communication structure that failed to keep colonies in regular contact with the Coalition government, many individuals started to harbor a growing resentment for a government that felt far away and out of touch with their needs.

As a result of the Coalition's rapid expansion, their taxed supply lines struggled to keep up with sustaining their newly founded colonies. The Coalition was hard pressed to maintain influence in these far-flung colonies, which provided an opportunity for anti-government and revolutionary groups to flourish. While initially a rag-tag group of disillusioned workers, these revolutionaries found success on their respective planets in appealing to the average man, fostering a dangerous movement right under the Coalition's nose. It wasn't long before their message of rebellion found backers in opportunistic corporations seeking to make a profit.

Their distance from Sol space made it easier to operate in secret, and brilliant minds from across the young colonies flocked to a classified installation to work on the new rebellion's secret weapon: the FFS Fialetivvy. Perhaps naively, the rebellion thought that If they could complete this vessel, a ship rumored to be able to destroy a planet with its W-1 powered cannon, then the Coalition would have no choice but to surrender. Yet word reached the Coalition of it's development before it could be completed. What remained loyal of it's navy was deployed, and the Succession War had begun.

The Coalition fractured in two, and a prolonged war began that culminated in a disastrous misfiring of the rebellion's super-weapon; it left catastrophic amounts of people dead on both sides of the war. After suffering massive casualties and with no end in sight, the Coalition and the rebellion had no choice but to come to the negotiating table to begrudgingly sign a peace treaty, allowing time for both sides to lick their wounds and recover from the cataclysmic event. This brought an end to the immediate conflict, but any idea of peace was short-lived. It became clear to the galaxy that this fragile peace was but a prelude to the next inevitable battle.


After the war ended, the hastily assembled groups of rebels found themselves hard pressed to administrate the vast space that had been left to them - for while they quietly worked away against the Coalition, it had done most of the legwork for them. Now, with differing ideals, leaders, and values, they were forced to grapple with the fact the colonies were now solely their responsibility. To make matters worse, trouble was already brewing on the home front. The mere knowledge of the existence of this super-weapon, coupled with the devastation wrought in its wake triggered a wave of civil unrest across several planets, catching the interim government off guard.

Furthermore, colonies and planets that were relinquished to the Federation who previously remained neutral or loyal to the Coalition now found themselves under a new yoke. Despite these pressing issues, the interim government quickly attempted to quell this discontent with force, resolving to show authority through the usage of force. Martial law was declared and several fleets were rerouted, scarcely having time to recover after months of prolonged conflict with the Coalition. Marines and servicemen had no choice but to deploy to rioting colonies and act as law enforcement, or in extreme cases, death squads. The flames of rebellion were stamped out under the jackboots of the Federation's military, though in doing so their victory was achieved at a high price - both in loss of life and the confidence of many colonists.

On many planets, the War and its aftermath are a sensitive subject. The scars still remain, but fourteen years later, under the watchful eye of the Federation's military, the colonies have begun to rebuild. Tensions between the Federation and the Coalition remain as high as ever, and though the direct conflict may have ended in a fragile truce, the two galactic giants find themselves engaged in a dangerous back-and-forth spy game, giving no illusion as to the reality of the situation: while the truce may have prevented more death, neither side is keen to abide by all of its constraints.


The citizens of the Federation are comprised mostly of humans. However, many alien species can be found in its territory, either as holdovers from the days under Coalition rule or as immigrants seeking to take advantage of a young empire with a potentially booming economy. However, Coalition blockades around the borders of Federation space has recently resulted in less immigrants making the crossing. Equally, a growing wave of xenophobia has fostered anti-xeno sentiments amongst many colonists. Plenty of non-humans are considered warily for fear of them being spies or dissidents implanted by the Coalition.

Owing to the harsh nature of many of the planets that make up the Federation, many place a greater value on strength and adaptability than other skills, further ostracizing individuals who may not fit entirely with their homes. Your worth is only as much as what you can contribute to the rest of the community. Poliseu who struggle to survive in harsh, arid desert colonies are but one example, and the biological virulence of the human species has helped this wave of xenophobia thrive in the fringes of Federation space; many believe that since humans can realistically and easily work and live in many different harsh environments, they are the superior race.


The Federation is an authoritarian regime currently headed by a single supreme ruler, the Commander. The military junta that saw the Federation through its early days was gradually eclipsed by the most experienced admiral their navy had, and with the emphasis that is placed on strength in Federation culture it was only natural he become the de facto governor. Colonists are afforded little personal freedom, with the entire society geared towards contributing to the State which, in turn, provides for its denizens.

However, given the youth of the Federation and the mishmash cells of rebels that once made up its military arm, many systems of government remain in disarray. Positions are unfilled, infighting and backstabbing are commonplace to secure a higher rank, and opportunistic politicians take advantage of the system to line their own pockets. Laws and regulations change regularly or are introduced daily, and even the line of succession for the seat of the Commander has yet to be decided. This enables many politicians to posture as best they can for that unique privilege, even at the deficit of the sectors they oversee.

The Federation maintains cordial diplomatic ties with both the Visra Kingdom and the Grand Tide, though no formal alliance or concord has been signed. An unofficial agreement wards off aggression by the Coalition, for to attack one of these governments would trigger the others to retaliate. Despite the wave of xenophobia overtaking many citizens of the Federation, it is seen as strategically useful to maintain this informal agreement - after all, if the value one has is based solely on what they contribute to the community, a military ally is one of the highest valued things a fledgling empire can have.

Equally, the Federation maintains open trade and communication with the White Belt administration, but there is significant consternation in the upper echelon of the Federation's government at a perceived lack of border security on the part of the White Belt administration, which purportedly allows dissidents and spies to easily cross into their territory.


The two main branches of the Federation's military are the Feniska Flotilla, its primary navy, and the Mezmarines, their ground-based infantry. As many servicemen of the Coalition as well as capable officers and veteran commanders turned to the Federation's side during the Succession War, the Federation's military is considered one of the most capable in the galaxy. However, the War greatly hampered their numbers and many ships find themselves requiring retrofits and replacements in the aftermath.

A subdivision of the Mezmarines, the Merzital were originally a collection of Special Forces operatives that abandoned the Coalition. Once the War ended, however, their expertise in urban environments and stealthy subterfuge was turned inward and the Merzital were tasked with the suppression of dissidents by any means necessary. Now, their name is whispered warily; acting as the Commander's secret police, many speculate they are behind the disappearances of convenient political targets or anti-Federation voices. The fear of that knock on the door in the middle of the night keeps many in line, for the only fate worse than death is to see the inside of one of the Federation's many prison stations.


As the colonies that make up the Federation were founded by the Coalition with the express purpose to take advantage of a planet's raw, untapped resources, the Federation does not find itself wanting for valuable material. Despite the distance between colonies and the vastness of Federation space, the strategic value of many of these worlds cannot be understated. With the War over a greater focus has been placed on production, and through a combination of patriotism, fear, or 'encouragement', the Federation has seen a significant bump in revenue and production projections.

The Federation seeks self-sufficiency, but does maintain open trade with its smaller allies as a matter of diplomacy. The rosy economic outlook in the Federation has attracted corporate interests from all over the galaxy, many of whom are keen to get on the Commander's good side and exploit the untapped potential of these colonies for their own gain.