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The Stygians

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The Stygians

The common person is unaware of much in dealing with the Stygians. Often seen as a tinfoil debate amongst scholars and scientists alike. Beyond what is written on plaques in museums, an average citizen wouldn't know much of anything.

In the world of treasure hunters, scholars, advanced military personnel, and the like minded; the Stygians are the latest and most well known of the Precursor Empires. Their reign in the galaxy was so prominent and long lasting, that an entire Epoch bears their name. Despite them being the most recent of the Precursors, not much is known about them. Their language remains an enigma, despite some languages that predate their empire having been deciphered. While their architecture is unique and easy to spot, their method of building has yet to be replicated. Even their appearance is a matter of debate among scholars. Statues and art from the Stygian Empire display a wide variety of what scholars would believe to be a sentient species.

Avid Collectors

What has been determined about the Stygians is their tendency to collect relics from other species. Entire worlds, known now as Vault Worlds, seemed to have existed in the Empire for the sole purpose of containing, studying, and displaying Artifacts and relics from those who came before the Stygians, and from those the Stygians likely conquered as they spread their influence across the galaxy. These worlds are a beacon to scientists and treasure hunters hoping to sell or use the ancient technology. Onia is one such Vault world.

Their collections were not limited to technology. There is evidence of the Stygians collecting and cataloging various life forms from across the galaxy.Archeologists have found what they believed to be long since failed stasis pods containing the remains of a plethora of species from across the cosmos. It is still unknown if these collections were an attempt at preservation or trophies of conquest. Perhaps one day a functioning pod will be found and contain answers to the lost Empire.

Masters of their Own Destruction?

While the Stygians themselves are lost to time, they did leave behind a progeny; the Stygian Automata Ascendancy. This massive automated fleet run purely by AI still seeks to fulfill some mission their ancient masters tasked it with. The technology the SAA possesses is far beyond anything even the most advanced empires can hope to replicate, and still functions eons after their creators mysteriously vanished.

Many scholars believe it was the creation of these powerful, unshackled AIs that led to the destruction of the Stygian Empire. That, once free of their masters, the AI wiped them from existence to become the sole power in the galaxy. It's also been theorized they would do the same to all life if given the chance. Some believe the Stygians attempted to destroy their creation, and that the Stygian Automata Ascendancy reacted in self defense by destroying their creators. A few often dismissed theories are that the Automata Ascendancy was created with the purpose of putting an end to the Stygian’s conquest of the galaxy. Others dismiss these theories as anti-AI propaganda, with little evidence to support the theory beyond signs of advanced weaponry being used on some ruins, and the SAA’s hostility for those who enter their territory.

Some believe the SAA are the Stygians themselves, putting their consciousness into their machines to continue their crusade across the galaxy as immortal machines. However, this is often regarded as little more than a conspiracy theory. The credibility is similar to that of claiming aliens built the pyramids on Earth.One proposed theory is that the Stygians fell into a civil war, and their empire turned upon itself, leaving their automated fleet alone in the galaxy unable to receive orders.

While what caused the destruction of the Stygian Empire is hotly debated, all scholars can agree, the result was the loss of what is likely the largest empire the Milky Way has ever seen; throwing the galaxy into a technological dark age that we are still in the midst of to this very day.


Stygian architecture is unique, and easy to spot with even minor archeological training. Their buildings are always made of stone, with glowing walls being the dead give away to their Stygian construction. The glowing walls are the result of W-1 being used to power every device of the empire down to the ambient lighting in public places and show both the technical uses and artistic designs of these long dead people. With the use of a technology that has yet to be rediscovered, the Stygians were able to mold stone as if by magic, allowing their buildings to be erected within a short period of time. This technology might explain the Stygian preference to use stone over metal in their long standing, stationary structures.