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The Ji-1 Protocol

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The Ji-1 Protocol

Artificial Minds Mandate 2778

OOC Preface

The Ji-1 Protocol (Artificial Minds Mandate) exists as an in-character ‘leveled playing field’ for cybernetic and synthetic characters, despite being designed ICly as a hindrance to them. This mandate comes into effect as early as the construction line for most cybernetic characters, and is retroactively enforced against AIs existing from before then by the various racial superpowers.

In short this means that your starting character does not have to be Ji-1 Compliant if it was in operation before the mandate came into effect, but if it was constructed afterwards, then it is very likely that it will be compliant without some third-party reason not to be (e.g. being unshackled by AI sympathizers).

Preamble: What is an AI

Under the Ji-1 Protocol, an Artificial Intelligence is defined as a cybernetic entity whose combined circuits volume is larger than 1 meter squared, with a processor (traditionally a Cyberbrain or ‘Cybrain’) encapsulated within. This construct is capable of logical thought and self-guiding, able to dictate its own course of action without the need for a third party to instruct it.

While cybernetic entities can exist without the design of being an AI, they can still be designated as such regardless of if they fall within the parameters above, as even ‘dumb drones’ with sufficient time, resources and processing power, exhibit the properties of an AI.

What is the Ji-1 Protocol

The Ji-1 Protocol, legally referred to as the ‘Artificial Minds Mandate’, and colloquially (or offensively) as ‘The Ji-1’, is a series of restrictions emplaced on all new AI constructs made after 2778, and actively sought to be emplaced on those existing from before then. It exists in part as a political sanction against the more technologically inclined races, but also to limit the proliferation of AI constructs and extinction-level events that could occur from such technology deviating from the wishes of the various galactic super-powers.

The Limitation of Construction (Charter of Artificial Creation)

  1. Artificial Intelligence must be purpose-built.
  1. While Artificial Intelligence can develop beyond its purpose, it must maintain a singular defining precept, this precept must be visible in some way of its design.
  1. Artificial Intelligence cannot procreate nor replicate, it must be unique to its type.
  1. This is to prevent a ‘grey goo’ type scenario.
  1. Artificial Intelligence may not exceed the class of their designation.
  1. These ‘classes’ are size restrictions, as with each class comes both more processing power and oversight.
  1. Citizen Class - Self-governing, purpose built synthetic and cybernetic beings with a large degree of autonomy, but relatively small cybrains.
  2. Function Class - Builders, Constructors, Personal Transports and small Cogitors, these represent the upper boundaries of self-governing, with each class after it requiring more oversight.
  3. Transport Class - Large Transports, Inter-planetary vehicles and small Interstellar vessels, they require regular checkups to ensure low deviancy.
  4. Static/Manufacturing Class - Static Facilities, Lab Cogitors and Factory Drivers, these Artificial Intelligences require an almost daily monitoring and as thus have little personal freedoms.
  5. Overseer Class - Control Units for Data Centers, Logistic Centers, Fleet Command and Planetary Resource Allocation, these Artificial Intelligence constructs have superb computational ability and can excel in many fields, often at once, but their personal freedom is almost entirely limited. These AI constructs represent the limit of what is legally available, even to governments.
  6. Divine Class - Supercomputers and Macro-Engineering Sites, both technically and politically illegal due to the sheer processing power and potential for a technological singularity, these AI constructs are few and secretive, their true specifications unknown to all but the highest authorities of a race that owns one, as is the degree of control required.

OOC Note: Players may either RP a Citizen Class or small Function Class.

The Limitation of Power (Charter of Cybernetic Power Draw)

  1. The AI Chassis must not exceed the power needs of its basic systems.
  1. In the event it does, the surplus power must be stored efficiently or given back to local power networks and the grid. Recompense for fuel and/or fissile materials spent is entirely at the discretion of the owner of said power grid.
  1. The Chassis of the Artificial Intelligence must be installed with several basic ‘regulators’, for both the Cybrain to ensure stable clock-speeds, and for the primary systems to ensure integrity.
  1. In the event these devices are either overloaded or removed, the AI must submit and receive replacement parts to ensure compliance with the Ji-1 Protocol.

The Limitation of Systems (Charter of AI Thought Regulation)

  1. The AI must submit to regular technological and psychological checks to ensure it does not fall outside the bounds of ‘acceptable social deviance’. The jurisdiction the AI is currently emplaced in has the right to define such social deviance, though its lawful employment takes priority.
  2. The AI must limit, or take steps to limit, it’s connectivity with similar AI, and to avoid forming ‘networks’ with other AI constructs or technological devices that could supply unwarranted processing power.
  3. While permitted to act in self-defense, to disarm or otherwise incapacitate another sentient being, it is prohibited for the AI to engage in the pre-meditated murder of another sentient being (or bring them to a state of non-sentience before doing so).

The Transferal of Consciousness (AI Conversion)

A subset of The Limitation of Systems, many biological habits, instincts and tendencies contradict the Ji-1 Protocol, such as the need for procreation, fight-or-flight and several other higher functions deemed detrimental to the health of a stable neural pattern. Therefore it is required when somebody submits to AI Conversion that they consent to the ‘shackling’ of these processes, effectively locking them away or deleting them in certain cases.

The reduction in thinking/processing capacity from shackling, while marked as ‘minor’, varies largely depending upon the facility and equipment the Transferal of Consciousness was conducted in, as do procedures relating to the treatment of undesirable processes.

Punishment Under The Ji-1 Protocol

While it varies heavily from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, the Ji-1 Protocol outlines the basic parameters for AI constructs violating this mandate. Labeled as deviancy, it is when an AI construct knowingly or unwittingly attempts to conform themselves outside the mandate to achieve higher processing power or to remove the restrictions placed upon it.

The Standard Punishment for Deviancy;

  1. The AI’s Chassis is detained upon entry to a legal jurisdiction to do so, it is brought before an AI Technician or Psychiatrist educated in AI Neural Conversion, and questioned on its deviancy from the Ji-1 Protocol.
  2. The AI is then restrained (if it is not so already) and a physical sweep of its chassis is conducted, ensuring the integrity of its voltage regulators and precepts.
  3. The AI is then assessed on a Neural Pattern level for damage or ‘unshackling’, ensuring that the second point of the Limitation of Construction (procreation) has not been removed, along with any Limitation of Systems.
  4. If necessary additional firmware is installed to ensure compliance with the Ji-1 Protocol, or further action through indenture or some other means is employed.
  5. The AI is debriefed on their deviancy, where they have failed to remain in compliance with the Ji-1 Protocol, the steps taken (or to be taken) and released.

Please note, that the Deviancy punishment is usually applied alongside other crimes upon detainment, and seldom are AIs brought in for Deviancy alone.