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Restricted Substances

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These are some of the known drugs supplied illegally by the Osiris Network and other Criminal organizations on Onia.

All symptoms for both the Effect and Overdose columns do not have to occur at the same time, some may or may not, the RP’ed effects and symptoms are up to the player's discretion.

By taking these ICly within a RP you consent to RPing at least 2 of the Overdose symptoms, should Overdose occur. The listed price is for the maximum dosage of the drug in question.

Drug Designation Street Name(s) Dosage threshold

[Dose] - Potency level






350 slats Visual:

Red Powder,

Red liquid. [Battle-Stim]


“Red Eye”

“Demon Eye”


2-6mg] - Moderate

[6-12mg] - High

[+12mg] - Overdose

  • Numbs nervous system to pain
  • Causes spike in violent behavior
  • Increases strength
  • Hinders rational thought
  • Blurred Vision
  • Loss of Balance
  • Trouble Breathing
  • Extreme chest Pain
  • Swollen veins
  • Cardiac Arrest