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Rental Rules

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Here are the rules for renting at NF.


- If you have any issues with your rental, please contact Cozmo.Boa or Meia.Cosmos

- You can find the terminal at for paying and managing your rental

- Your rental can be prepaid for 2 months worth of time

- When your rental expires you will get a notice and have 24 hours before you are evicted from the plot.


- Do not rez prims outside of your rental area without removing them when you are finished. Abuse of rez rights will have them removed. Keep all prims within your rental square, do not spill into other rentals.

- Ensure that all items that are rezzed have reasonable script times. Items may be removed for the sake of sim performance if they are not optimized.

- Residents are limited to 3 rentals per person. Alternate accounts are counted into this number.

- No subletting of rentals.

- Do not rez out objects that play sounds/media that can be heard in other rentals.

- You may place a door within the sim build so long as it is a small teleporter similar to the ones already in use and must go somewhere that makes sense.

- Each faction is allowed 1 large rentals worth to be donated to its build directly, other additions must be done within their own rental space. If you are donating your rental, your group lead must let Meia.Cosmos know that your donation is the active one.