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Order of the Fireflies

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Symbol of the Fireflies


The Order of the Fireflies is a ragtag group of medical dropouts and surgeons disillusioned by the stifling mega corporation that is Valor Medical. Centered around an enigmatic figure and her son, both named Talia, the group seems to be on a surface level well meaning hippies and free thinkers who are harmless enough.

In reality, not only are they doctors willing and ready to save lives without the massive debt that Valor may bring, they are avid researchers of Onia’s fauna and flora and how it can be used to benefit its people. Their primary function is the research of the mysteries of W-1 and its seemingly reality tearing capabilities.


Pupa/Informant: Generally our newest members and our runners. These are our eyes and ears, our fact-finders and rumor sniffers.

Lightning Bugs: General members of the medic team. You will aid the wounded and sick.

Glow Worms: General members of the research team. You will look into the oddities of the canyon and record your findings.

Marginellus: Head researchers. Along with normal researcher duties, you will analyze information from the Pupas and decide what is useful for your team. Along with the Luminosus, you will direct the course of testing.

Collustrans: Head physicians. Along with normal medic duties, you will analyze information from the Pupas and decide what is useful for your team. Along with the Luminosus, you will direct the course of medical aid.

Luminosus: Leaders of the Fireflies. Oversees the flow of information and hands out tasks as needed to the Collustrans and Marginellus. Will interact and make deals with other faction heads.