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An Anahi female


The Anahi are a humanoid species whose homeworld, Selia, was destroyed as a result of a supernova. Their race is now lost amongst the stars, spread across a fleet fifty thousand vessels strong eternally searching for a new home. When the Anahi homeworld was destroyed, their system's third tributary star was launched into deep space. Now, the Roving Sun Fleet searches for this single star under the belief that doing so will lead them to a new home they can rightfully claim as their own. Some Anahi have left the Fleet to immigrate into welcoming alien societies in an effort to re-integrate into galactic life, but the Fleet has never abandoned its goal and remains steadfast in its search.


Anahi can be considered physically similar to humans; they are bipedal and are possessed of dark, smokey skin colors, tending towards purples, greys, or blacks. As a result of the many years spent in the low gravity of the Fleet, the Anahi are typically tall and lithe, ranging anywhere between six to eight feet tall. Eye colors can vary from deep vibrant blues to colorful violets, and all Anahi have sharp pointed ears. Unlike other species, the Anahi bleed blue blood; they are seen as elegant and refined, a sort of unnatural beauty, and the reason for this is two fold. Anahi can use pheremones to help convey emotions or communicate amongst themselves. These pheremones can be detected by other races and sometimes can influence an individual's feelings or attraction to any given Anahi.

At one point in their history, the Anahi were possessed of excellent night vision. As their homeworld was perpetually caught in an unending twilight, this was an evolved necessity. However, after hundreds of years in space in brightly lit ships, this trait has become vestigial, and while the Anahi are still at least somewhat better than other races in seeing in the dark, they are a far cry from how their ancestors could navigate the darkness of their homeworld with ease.

Galactic Opinion

The Anahi were once seen as a proud, refined, and elegant race. The perpetual gloom of their world helped contribute to its mystique and beauty. Now, though, this is no longer the case. Galactic opinion has shifted over time; many treat the Anahi with as much distrust as the Anahi have for aliens. Some simply cannot understand why someone in the extreme position that the Fleet finds itself in would refuse honest offers of help from entities like the Directorate, or the Coalition. The Anahi are as proud as ever - too proud, for many, who believe their arrogance will be the end of their species.

As such, the Anahi do not maintain diplomatic relations with most entities outside of their few trading partners. Some governments, like the Federation or the Grand Tide see the Anahi as a self-centered race, who believe themselves superior to other species. These assumptions are not entirely unfounded, but precious few have gotten the chance to actually communicate with the Roving Sun Fleet or its Pathfinder and are forced to relay messages using their mercantile flotilla; by the time they return to the Fleet and are eventually dispatched again more than a few years have passed, typically rendering any message obsolete.

Style Guide

Please see the Appearance Guide for non-race specific guidance and rules.

Anahi should have dark skin tones, either black, grey, dark blue, purple or dark brown. They should stand full bodied and slightly taller than an average human. They have pointed ears and can have unnatural eye colors. Use of human heads that have the correct skin tones such as the Catwa or Utilizator heads is acceptable.