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Miranmir System Regulations

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The purpose of this document is to outline and define the colony regulations and injunctions that all employees and visitors must abide by. These regulations apply across the board on any property owned by the White Belt administration, be it colony, station, ship or outpost.  

100: Low Level Infractions

100.1 Minor Offenses and Officer Leeway

Officers are allowed to give out official warnings for first time low level infractions, but repeat offenders are expected to be properly sentenced. Officers are expected to exercise judgment when handing out warnings. They are not obligated to hand out a warning for a first time offense, especially if the individual they are dealing with is hostile or uncooperative.

100.2 Appropriate Sentencing

Low level infractions are, if necessary, a sentence in the Colony jail, including a fine. Officers are encouraged to use their best judgment when sentencing individuals.

No. Offense Description
i101 Loitering Lingering or hanging around in a public place or business where one has no particular legal purpose. Loitering may also be charged if an officer issues a warning to disperse and it is not obeyed.
i102 Trespassing Entering another person’s property without permission of the owner or legal authority.
i103 Obstruction of Justice Willfully interfering with the process of justice or law, especially by harming, influencing, threatening, or impeding a witness, potential witness, judicial or legal officer or by furnishing false information in or otherwise impeding an investigation or legal process.
i104 Petty Theft Taking someone else’s property without consent and with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of that property. For theft of items or credits over 10,000 see i208 Grand Theft.
i105 Battery To have harmful or unwanted physical contact without another person’s consent, even where that contact is not physically violent.
i106 Indecent Exposure Intentionally exposing one’s genitalia or secondary sex characteristics in a place where such exposure is likely to be an offense against the generally accepted standards of decency.
i107 Breach of the Peace Engaging in unruly public behavior, such as fighting, yelling or screaming in public spaces, or causing excessively loud noise.
i108 Vandalism Deliberately damaging or defacing property without malicious consent, such as disassembling basic equipment, spraying graffiti on walls or superficial damage to colony infrastructure. For more serious and malicious attempts to damage the colony, see i213 Sabotage.
i109 Threat of Murder or Serious Injury Threatening to murder or seriously injure an individual coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause said harm.
i110 Animal Cruelty Inflicting physical pain, suffering, or death on an animal, usually a tame one, beyond necessity for normal discipline. It can include neglect that is so monstrous the animal has suffered, died, or been put in imminent danger of death.
i111 Unregistered Citizen Working, living, or being present on board White Belt administration facilities without proper identification paperwork.
i112 Resisting Arrest Intentionally preventing or attempting to prevent a police officer or peace officer from effecting a legal, authorized arrest of himself or another person.
i113 Petty Interference with Starport Operations Disrupting or otherwise interfering with starport operations in such a way that does not endanger life or property.
i114 Petty Airspace Violation Unintentional entering of airspace without prior authorization.
i115 Impeding Traffic & Pad Operations Unintentional blockage of traffic into or out of designated pads. This includes landing at unassigned pads.
i116 Unlawful Possession of Artifacts Having artifacts in your possession without lawful purpose or authorization.
i117 Lesser Vehicle Endangerment Operation of a vehicle such that it risks moderate property damage or causing damage to Corporate interests

200. Medium Level Infractions

200.1 Medium Offenses

Medium level offenses represent a more serious breach of peace and the public trust and as such are not applicable for warnings under any circumstances. Individuals guilty of medium level offenses should be handcuffed and secured at all times. No requests for light security or accommodations should be allowed. Ensure that until being placed in their cell, the individual is restrained and secured.

200.2 Appropriate Sentencing

Medium level infractions are, if necessary, a sentence in the colony jail, including a fine. Officers are encouraged to use their best judgment when sentencing individuals.

No. Offense Description
i201 Assault Inflicting offensive physical contact or bodily harm that puts the person in immediate danger of such harm or contact.
i202 Fraud Intentional misrepresentation of material existing facts for the purpose of inducing another person to act. Fake documentation, identity theft and impersonation fall under this category.
i203 Abduction Taking away of a person by either persuasion, fraud, or open force or violence.
i204 Rioting An act or acts of violence by one or more persons of an assemblage having gathered in protest or as a result of an unlawful gathering.
i205 Grand Theft Taking someone else’s property of a value greater than 10,000 credits without consent and with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of that property.
i206 Sedition Engaging in conduct, speech, or actions that could potentially incite a riot or attempting to rally individuals against the authority of the White Belt administration or Corporate partner.
i207 Sparking a Manhunt Causing the system authority to mobilize a manhunt or search party as a result of fleeing, evading arrest or hiding from arrest.
i208 Escaping from Confinement To escape from confinement or a legally applied sentence, including fleeing from or escaping custody even before sentencing has been carried out.
i209 Infiltration Entering secure government or colony property without permission of the government or legal authority.
i210 Sabotage Deliberately damaging or destroying colony systems or equipment with malicious intent, such as damaging or destroying atmospherics systems, power systems, security systems, or necessary equipment for the safe and secure running of the colony.
i211 Extortion Acquiring property, money or anything of demonstrably material value by any kind of force or threat of violence, property damage, harm to reputation or unfavorable government action.
i212 Robbery The direct taking of property, money, or goods from a person through force, threat, or intimidation.
i213 Interference with Starport Operations Disrupting or otherwise interfering with starport operations in such a way that endangers property
i214 Reckless Vessel Operation Operating a vessel in an unsafe or reckless manner, endangering property.
i215 Airspace Violation Intentional entering of airspace without prior authorization.
i216 Unlawful Hunting of Artifacts Searching or hunting for artifacts without lawful purpose or authorization.
i217 Violation of Contract Breaking or otherwise violating a lawful and legally binding contract without consent of both parties.

300: High Level Infractions

300.1 Serious Offenses

High level offenses represent the most serious breach of peace and the public trust and as such are not applicable for warnings or deferred judgment under any circumstances. Individuals guilty of high level offenses should under no circumstances ever be uncuffed, unsecured, or otherwise unbound at any time prior to them being placed in a cell. They will not be given anything but the most basic and necessary accommodations

300.2 Appropriate Sentencing

High level infractions are, if necessary, a sentence in the colony jail, including a fine. Officers are encouraged to use their best judgment when sentencing individuals.

No. Offense Description
i301 Manslaughter The unlawful killing of another person without premeditation, malice, or evil intent prior to the killing.
i302 Hostage Taking Seizing or detaining an individual coupled with the threat of death, injury, or continuing to detain said individual in order to compel some third person or government organization to take action.
i303 Soliciation of Murder for Hire Hiring or attempting to hire another individual to commit murder on your behalf or on the behalf of a third party.
i304 Arson The malicious and intentional burning of a structure, domicile, vehicle, spacecraft or aircraft.
i305 Money Laundering Processing of criminal proceeds to disguise their illegal origin or the ownership or control of the assets, or promoting an illegal activity with illicit or legal source funds.
i306 Armed Robbery The direct taking of property, money, or goods from a person through force, threat, or intimidation while armed with a firearm or other weapon that causes the apprehension of serious bodily harm.
i307 Aggravated Assault Inflicting offensive physical contact or bodily harm that puts the person in immediate danger of such harm or contact, especially while armed with a firearm or other weapon that causes grievous bodily harm.
i308 Assaulting a Government Official Inflicting offensive physical contact or bodily harm that puts the person in immediate danger of such harm or contact, especially if the individual is a member of the White Belt Administration or associated government body.
i309 Corporate Espionage The illegal and unethical theft of White Belt Administration business trade secrets, government documents, or the assisting of anti-Corporate elements to provide an unfair advantage to rival Corporations.
i310 Sexual Assault Illegal sexual contact that usually involves force upon a person without consent or is inflicted upon a person who is incapable of giving consent.
i311 Grand Interference with Starport Operations Disrupting or otherwise interfering with starport operations in such a way that endangers life.
i312 Dangerous Vessel Operation Operating a vessel in such a manner that endangers life and limb.
i313 Unlawful Use of Artifacts Use of artifacts without lawful purpose or authorization.

400: Black Level Infractions

400.1 Extreme Offenses

Black level offenses are utterly reprehensible crimes that go far beyond a breach of the public trust and endanger not only the colony but its denizens as well. All individuals who are being held on suspicion of black level offenses should be deprived of all but their basic rights and necessities and held pending Command or government intervention. Under no circumstances are they to be released beforehand.

400.2 Appropriate Sentencing

Black level infractions carry a mandatory sentence in the colony jail, including a fine. Officers are not at liberty to mitigate these sentencing conditions without express approval from Command.

No. Offense Description
i401 Murder The intentional and unlawful killing of an individual with malice aforethought and with no legal excuse or authority.
i402 Terrorism The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce the government, the civilian populace, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
i403 High Treason Attempting to overthrow or rebel against local government administration, providing aid or succor to enemies of the Corporation, spying on government officials for anti-Corporation elements, or attempting to assault or kill high-ranking members of the local government administration.
i404 Assassination The intentional and unlawful killing of a prominent individual, usually high-ranking members of the local government administration, for the sole purpose of political, ideological or social reasons.
i405 Abduction of a Government Official Taking away of a person, especially a high-ranking member of the local government administration, by either persuasion, fraud, or open force or violence.
i406 Grand Sabotage Deliberately damaging or destroying colony systems or equipment with malicious intent, especially in such a way that leaves the colony or its citizens at great risk of death; such as damaging or destroying the main reactor, atmospheric storage tanks, orbital tether, AI control system, orbital computation systems or any damage to FTL gates.

500: Modifiers & Special Situations

500.1 Sentencing Modifiers

When considering what sentence to apply to an individual, officers are expected to keep in mind the necessary modifiers to their time or fine amount. Individuals who willingly cooperate or surrender themselves should be allowed more leeway while others who commit serial crimes or are uncooperative should be given harsher sentences. As always, sentencing modifiers are typically up to the arresting officer’s judgment.

% Modifier Description
-30% Surrender Willingly submitting one’s self to police custody, confessing to the crime, and taking the punishment. Not resisting while being arrested does not count as surrendering. You have to turn yourself in.
-15% Cooperation with Law Enforcement Being helpful to officers or ongoing investigations by providing information, details, testimony, or providing names of accomplices.
N/A Self-Defense Committing a crime such as assault or murder that can be justified as it was necessary to prevent the loss of life or grievous bodily harm.
-10% Attempted [...] This reduction is added to any crime that was attempted, but not successfully committed.
+15% [...] of an Officer This enhancement is added to any crime that was committed against a law enforcement officer.
+10% Conspiracy to Commit [...] Planning, conspiring, or taking additional steps to secure the success of a crime, such as laying out a plan for a heist or planning a murder ahead of time.
N/A Aiding and Abetting Assisting with, aiding, or taking part in some portion of a high level or black level offense can make you equally prosecutable for the same crimes. This includes sheltering or assisting a wanted criminal guilty of the aforementioned offenses escape custody or arrest.
+300% Mass [...] This enhancement is added to any crime that an individual has committed said offense multiple times, resulting in the charges stacking.