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Category:Player Network

From New Frontiers Wiki
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BETA Release: Subject to changes and adjustments as needed.

Introducing Player Networks, in an effort to better support small groups, we have opened player network applications. Player networks, if approved, will be granted private discord channels and roles to coordinate their players. More information below!

Player Networks To apply to create a "Network" prospective leaders must first discuss the matter with a member of sim senior staff. This is anyone who holds the "Management" tag in the main SL group. They will then direct the leader to fill out an application.

Player Network creation is governed by the following rules:

  • Have a distinct, visual theme that fits the overall setting

--> This theme can not focus around sexual content or harem-like behavior. --> This theme can not match the theme of an already established group.

  • Must have some form of enrollment

--> Whilst a formal application is not necessary to join a network, it may not be a closed group. A player making a reasoned effort should be able to join.

  • Atleast 5 active players who agree to be part of it.

--> Sim administration reserves the right to contact initial members to check their desire to help form a network.

Application The following form should be posted in #player-network-application Network name: Leader: Founding members: (Please @ discord names) Purpose/description: Sponsoring Admin: (Please @ discord names)

Player Network pages are managed by the leader of the network.

Pages in category "Player Network"

This category contains only the following page.