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Space Travel

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Space travel is the ability for the sentient species of the universe to move through space at a reasonable rate. This is done though a mix of impulse thrusters for local travel within a system and FTL Hyperlanes for traveling longer distances through space.


FTL travel itself is done via FTL lanes. The W-1 Warpdrive engine uses its extensive power to convert a ship along with its contents and passengers to its tachyon equivalent which is then propelled along an FTL hyperlane.


Hyperlanes are predetermined magnetic points in space, usually created from objects within space such as planets and stars that are used as "safe routes" throughout the universe. Ships once they have been converted into energy travel via these lanes. Lane travel is done point to point rather than direct, A>B>C>D>E rather than A>E meaning longer distances can take additional time. Hyperlanes are mapped traditionally by firing drones along possible routes to check their viability for safety.

W-1 Engines

W-1 engines were employed before the destruction of the FFS-Fialetivyy and a more widespread dispersal of W-1, however due to the scarcity of the matter most vessels using the engines were either ships built for colonization or military vessels. After W-1's more widespread proliferation postwar, smaller personal craft along with service vessels have become far more of a norm.