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Reventlov Temple

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Revision as of 09:03, 23 April 2020 by Cozmob (talk | contribs)
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Logo of the Reventlov Temple


While, officially, labeled a religious organization, many view the Temple as a doomsday cult, preaching the scripture of an enormous, artificial intelligence known as "FATHER", which claims to have achieved a perfect state of elevated consciousness capable of manipulating the very fabric of the universe. Primarily, the Temple consists of synthetics and cybernetics.

Whether this is fact or fiction is unknown, for the Temple's secretive nature prevents most knowledge of the group's inner workings to be revealed.

Without a doubt, the Temple is viewed with heavy suspicion by the colonists, for reports of kidnapping plays havoc on their reputation.

Creating robotics
Kidnapping (alleged)



Cardinals are the highest ranking members of a local sect. Said to be in contact with the offworld leaders of the brotherhood who get their instructions from the Father himself they are the leaders of the brothers and sisters of Onia.


Chaplains are members that the Cardinals distribute tasks down the chain to. They are loyal members and deal with interal issues in the sect.


The followers of the Father. Following his teachings and spreading his word, their tasks vary from preaching to creating new mechanical creations in the name of the Father.


New members of the sect, both willing... and unwilling.


The leader is the Cardinal, who designates chaplains who are in charge of the followers who are given orders from the top down.


(More information on prominent members and their roles to follow)