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The Poliesu are an amphibious race indigenous to their home planet of Ayuni-Ji, the surface of which is mostly oceans and small continents leading to their natural evolution into mastering both land and sea. No strangers to war the Poliesu can hold their own in a fight. The harsh dry conditions of Onia and its atmosphere can prove a challenge to adapt to, but many Poliesu have found their niche within its borders.


Sporting gills and an angled face the Poliesu resemble bipedal fish. They can be found with fins on their heads, backs, arms and legs in various arrangements, some individuals having all sets, some only having one. Their skin is slightly rough to the touch and hairless, save for some on the top of their head.

Galactic Opinion

Seen to be quick to anger and enjoy fights, many choose to avoid direct confrontation due to their reputation. Generally found to be employed in security positions and the like they tend to find it easier to get jobs in the sector simply out of stereotyping. The freedoms afforded by intergalactic travel and intermingling have allow a once repressed intelligentsia, the ability to truly branch out. While for some the stereotypes hold true, the educated were looked down on in their empire as sly and weak, unfit for war with the other cliques but necessary to maintain technological advantages, over the generations since intergalactic travel has been introduced this old way of thinking has fallen to the side somewhat allowed the intelligent among the race to finally have their space.



Style Guide

Please see the Appearance Guide for non-race specific guidance and rules.

Polisi should appear similar to a shark or a fish/other aquatic animal. Some heads that can be used for this are the SKNK Sushi head or the Avenity Shark. Fins are optional, and they can be represented as folded inside clothing if a player wishes. Polisi have tails however if a player wishes not to represent them on their avatar they may. The natural color pallet is quite wide for Polisi allowing for natural tones such as browns, whites and greys but also allows for colored markings such as purple, green, red ect.

Race Rules